Liam discusses the importance of mindset in achieving success and becoming an unstoppable millionaire. He emphasises the need to work on mindset daily, make positive changes in diet and exercise, and surround oneself with mentors and positive influences.

Liam also shares personal experiences of overcoming challenges and failures, highlighting the resilience required on the journey to success, and delves into the impact of fear and fear of change on mindset, encouraging listeners to push past their fears and take action.



“Fear can creep in from time to time. I decide to say goodbye to fear every time. You either have fear or you have success. You can’t have both.”

“You’ve got to make the decision that you’re not happy and it comes down to accountability. So a lot of people they don’t like to look at themselves and they’ve got the worst mindset.”

“I just believe that I’m destined for greatness. I believe that no matter what, if someone else can do it, I can do it too.”

“When fearful, take the step anyway. When fearful take the step anyway and it’s never quite as bad as what we make out in our minds.”


I just believe that I’m destined for greatness. I believe that no matter what, if someone else can do it, I can do it too, and the people that reinforce that are the mentors that I have around me. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop expecting everyone else to do it for you. Get off your lazy ass backside. Do you think
fear and fear of change can get in the way of a good mindset?

Yeah, you know what I really like talking about this subject, fear can creep in from time to time. I decide to say goodbye to fear. Every time you either have fear or you have success, you can’t have both. And I read a study recently. I saw a study that something like 84% of humans, they spend their entire life living in fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the success, fear of what people are going to say, fear of making a mistake. It’s exhausting, yeah, and that the reality is never gonna be perfect.

Today, we’re back here with Hannah, one of my great, great clients, who specializes in Lyme disease. What have you got in store for me today? Hannah, well, today, Liam, I’m going to grill you about mindset. Okay, great. We all know, or some people don’t know that that’s a really important element. So I would love to know, how do you become a totally unstoppable millionaire with the right mindset?

You know what? That’s a really, really good question. And yeah, you are right. Most people don’t work on their mindset at all. They go to school, and then what they do is they start having influences from the outside, negative parents, negative friends, negative partners. They get into the grind of society. They work hard, they get depressed. They become dependent on alcohol or drugs. Their relationships don’t work. They listen to the news too much, and then all of a sudden, you don’t even know it’s happening to you. Before you know it, you’re just this negative ball of a person. Or you stop believing, and then you feel overwhelmed. Look, the reality is, if you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re probably right. And in order to have a unstoppable millionaire mindset, you have to do the work. That’s the reality. I work on mindset all the time, and it’s not something which just happens overnight. Number one, you’ve got to make a decision that you want to be a better person. You know, every day I decide I want to be a better dad, I want to be a better husband, I want to be a better JV partner, I want to be a better teacher. I want to be a better influencer. I want to build better teams. It’s a decision I make every single morning I wake up, it’s on autopilot. And then how do you go and become better? Well, I can’t get myself better. I have to go and hang out with great people and work on myself and become a better version of myself every single day. So you gotta make the decision that you’re not happy and and it comes down to accountability. So a lot of people, they don’t like to look at themselves and they’ve got the worst mindset, but they think they’re right in everything they do. So you’ve got to allow yourself to become vulnerable and say, hey, you know what? Perhaps I don’t have all the answers. Maybe I’m not the best at everything. Maybe there are some things that I need to understand, and it’s okay not to have all the answers. It’s okay to be vulnerable. You know, this caveman bullshit and this I’ve got to be strong, like, I don’t know where that’s come from, but we don’t have to be strong. We have to be real. So I find that when you are real and you own up to whatever current situation you are in, and then it’s like, right? I want a better mindset. How can I now go and do that? Okay, so would you say the mindset? Can it be an instant thing, or is it a bit of a journey?

Well, there’s a lot of things that you can do that will make you feel good instantly, for sure. Okay? So it’s definitely a journey, you know, for me to be where I I’m a completely different I’m still the same person, but I act differently. I think differently. I operate on a different plane now than I did a year ago, than I did five years ago, than I did 20 years ago, okay? And that’s because my mindset is always developing, so it’s something which happens over a long period of time. But there are some really good things that you can do to work on your mindset. Number one, you can listen to really great podcasts like this, the deal maker podcast. You can watch. Um, snippets of YouTube videos like you. You could watch a motivational video on YouTube every single day as part of your success routine. That is going to has a positive effect. I had a guest on my show earlier today, a guy called Mike Green from The Secret Millionaire. Um, absolutely fantastic episode. Make sure you go and check it out. And for years, he sent his daughters a motivational quote every single day four years. And what he was doing, he was brainwashing them and programming them to think positively so just one thing like that done time and time and time again for many years, can have such a positive impact. And now his daughters are, you know, they’re doing great things and they’re positive, and they they don’t look at the negativity. So there are some things you can do. Number one, YouTube videos, podcasts, stop looking at the news, like literally, stop reading the papers. I get it if you want to read the FT, or something like that. But stop looking at the news. It’s absolutely full of negativity. Yeah, they’re brainwashing people. It’s all bad. You turn on the radio, it’s bad, and then what you can do is you can exercise. Exercise is a great way to get that burst of dopamine, is it? Yeah, dopamine into your body.

That adrenaline into your body. Um, change your diet. And I know you’re a huge one on that. Obviously, you know you suffered with Lyme disease and and now you go and work with people that have got Lyme disease, so but, but diet will have a big impact on your brain. Sugar causes cancers, sugar causes Alzheimer’s, sugar causes diseases, huge, inflammation, fried fried food. These things all affect the mindset. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love her gabara Galaxy. I love a McDonald’s from time to time, but I am because it affects my brain, it affects my mood, it affects my focus. So you can start to make some small changes in your diet, and literally, within three or four days, you are going to be feeling more powerful just by doing that. Yeah, so they are some of the things that you can do fast to start working on getting a better mindset. Okay, brilliant. So the millionaire journey is, there’s a few hurdles, a few barriers, a few ditches.

So when you’re going along, how if you have a bit of a bad experience or, you know, something that doesn’t go too well, how would you pick up your mindset to stay positive and carry on
great you know what? That’s a really, really great question, through adversity, through challenging times, is where we have our biggest growth and our biggest success, and the more we fail, the more we succeed. And if you look at the greats in the world, and you go back and listen to Alan sugar’s story, Richard Branson’s story, you listen to my story. We’ve all had moments that have been difficult. It might have been childhood, it may have been losing a business. It might have been someone not treating you well. It could have been a relationship, it could be illness, confidence issues, but the reality is, you’ve got to attack, don’t be fearful of failure. I embrace failure, and I know, I don’t know when my next biggest failure is going to be. You know, these last 10 years, I’ve had an absolutely awesome run. And of course, there’s been some challenges and some troubles, and we’ve had, you know, development not go according to plan. And, you know, lost some money here, and you know, business not done as well there. But you gotta remember, this is a long game, and you gotta just bounce back up as quickly as possible. And then when you look back in life, you’re like, Oh well, at that time, it felt like the worst thing ever, but it actually stopped you from doing Route A. It took you doing a new route. Route B. You know it’s like when I lost my business 10 years ago, sprint energy minus 392,000 pounds. I’m living on interest only, credit cards. I’ve just got rid of 115 staff. I feel like I’m the worst dad, partner and boss in the whole world, I sink into depression and it’s like, what the hell? And it’s like, am I going to stay here and mope and feel sorry for myself, or am I going to get a learning from this? And the learning back then was, I can’t do it on my own, and I was doing it on my own, and I wasn’t asking for help, and I wasn’t having managed accounts down, and my ego got in the way, and it was one of the biggest Wake Up Calls of my life. And since then, I’ve seeped out mentors.

I’ve seeped out advanced training. I’m in fantastic mastermind groups. I run mastermind groups. I go on retreats, I run, I run retreats. I just make sure that I am the belief. Comes before the strategy. And I just believe that I’m destined for greatness. I believe that no matter what, if someone else can do it, I can do it too, and the people that reinforce that are the mentors that I have around me. So stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop expecting everyone else to do it for you get off your lazy ass backside and go and do some bloody it’s hard work. You know, it can be hard work business. So not everyone’s down for it. They just want it all to come well, that’s you. I wish you all the best. And you know, of course, but good luck with that one. Yeah, yeah.

Okay. So think being a millionaire requires a lot of resilience. I think that’s a key word. So would you say having the right mindset is key to having resilience? 100% 100% and you know, you need to embrace the what, let’s just call them dark times. And it’s about, look, some people are glass half empty. Some people are skeptical, some people don’t trust, some people don’t like asking for help. What I find is you gotta, if you’re one of those people, you gotta practice being the opposite, even though it’s painful, yeah, and even though the right mindset doesn’t come easy to you you need to practice. So daily practice, for example, meditation is a great way to work a mindset. Well, make a commitment to do it 10 minutes a day for 21 days, and then start judging it and then see where you’re at. Make a commitment today to listen to a podcast every day for the next 21 days. Make a commitment today to go for exercise for 20 minutes, even if it’s just a walk for 20 minutes a day for 21 days, I find if you do something for 21 days, it makes you a lot more resilient. Helps on your mindset, but I definitely believe you need to have an unstoppable mindset to go to whatever the next level looks like for you, you know, if you look at all the greats, they will say, Look, we work on our mindset, you know. So,myeah, yeah. Okay. And do you think fear and fear of change can get in the way of a good mindset? Yeah, you know what? I really like talking about this subject. And I wouldn’t say like I’m some expert in it, but I’ve certainly had my fair share of fear and and, of course, fear can creep in from time to time. I decide to say goodbye to fear. Every time you either have fear or you have success, you kind of both. And I read a study recently. I saw a study that something like 84% of humans, they spend their entire life living in fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the success, fear of what people are going to say, fear of making a mistake. It’s exhausting. Yeah, and look, the reality is, you’re never going to be perfect. Nothing’s ever going to be quite right. There’s going to be ups and downs, and a lot of people like to be really risk adverse, and they want to play it safe, and they don’t want to take risks. Well, life is risk. Marriage is risk. Kids is risk. Partnership it’s risk. Buying a property is risk. Everything we do, getting in your car and walking outside your house every single day is taking a risk. Yeah, true. And the reality is, sometimes in life, you just gotta get up and do it and don’t allow old belief systems or other people or fear to get in your way. So what I say is I have a mantra, and I’ll share this with everyone. When fearful take the step anyway. When fearful take the step anyway. And it’s never quite as bad as what we make out in our minds. And it’s like, oh, oh yeah, that I actually could, I did it. Oh, that wasn’t too bad. Oh, or is that? Oh, that was a bit painful, but I haven’t died. Oh, I’m going to give that another go. So whatever happens when fearful take the step anyway? Brilliant.

Some really good gems of reality there, which is really helpful. Thank you. Liam Great, awesome. Well, look, yeah, just to refinish on mindset. If I can do it, you can do it too. It’s an important part of the process. Hopefully you will take on board some of the things that I have said. Give it a go. I believe in you. You need to believe in you upgrade your circle. That’s a really big one as well. Hannah, you know you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So you want to spend time with people that inspire you and motivate you. You want to be with the propellers. You don’t want to be with the anchors. Good one. Absolutely awesome. Thanks for tuning in to the deal maker.

You’re listening to the deal maker podcast hosted by multi millionaire property investor, entrepreneur and Guinness World Record holder. Liam Ryan, discover how to start scale and grow your business, become a better negotiator, create more opportunity and make massive profit so you can live the life of your dreams.


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