The Deal Maker by Liam Ryan Podcast

Join me, Liam J. Ryan, on this episode of The Dealmaker Podcast with Dr John Demartini, a top human behaviour expert. We dive into how personal values shape success, discussing strategies to uncover and align your values to achieve your goals. Dr. Demartini shares insights on boosting business growth by syncing professional goals with personal values and provides practical advice for young individuals on finding purpose. For a guide to discovering your own values, Dr. Demartini suggests starting with his free online value determination process.

Tune in for an enlightening discussion that could redefine your approach to success and fulfilment.

Follow Dr Demartini here: @drjohndemartini



I am joined by a world human behavior specialist, a personal development coach, speaker and mentor, the one and only Dr John D martini, why do you believe fundamentally, some people are successful and some people are not successful, where most of the people that say they want to be successful, but aren’t successful, they don’t become successful. What are those fundamentals? Doctor, when I was 23 I asked that question, why is it that some people walk to talk and others live their life? Why is it that some people do what they say and others don’t? That every human being has a set of priorities, a set of values that they live their life by. Most people, most aren’t unconscious of what these really are. When I first got my shingle that hung him out in the health field, many years ago, I was doing everything. I was a generalist, doing whatever it took to grow the business. I was committed to growing the business, but I was doing everything. I made a lesson. Every single thing that I did in a day over a three month period. There’s different days I did different things, but I’ve put them all in. I want to look at how have I was actually using my time? Because your time is your life. How am I actually spending my time? How would you sum up happiness?

Okay, welcome to Liam J Ryan the deal maker, and in today’s very special episode, I am joined by a world human behavior specialist, a personal development coach, speaker and mentor, the one and only Dr John D Martini. This is going to be an incredible episode where we’re really going to call you to a higher place, keep you accountable and really give you some great insights on how you can be more successful and live the life that you truly deserve and desire. So welcome to the podcast. Dr John Demartini, I believe you’re floating somewhere in the world right now. Could you just explain where you are? I am
literally going from the Philippines, Mount Kuya Island, over to Maka, which is in Indonesia, another city in Indonesia, and I’m at sea on my ship, so I’m sailing right now the windows here.

Wow, great and when you talk about the ship, what is the ship, and how come you live on a ship?
For about the last 23 years, I’ve been living on the ship called the world. It’s a private luxury, a condominium ship. It’s one of a kind. It’s the only one in the world, and it’s just a six star luxury, magnificent place to live. And I can only say I’m thankful that I’ve once lived on the streets, and then I get to live here, but I I just sail around the world, and I do my presentations and and write and do consulting and do everything I can from here, and sometimes I’m off staying in hotels somewhere, doing live presentations, but this is where I live. Wow, incredible. So it’s right in saying that you have worked with many successful people around the globe over many, many decades. Why do you believe fundamentally, some people are successful and some people are not successful, where most of the people that say they want to be successful, but aren’t successful. They don’t become successful. What? What
are those fundamentals? Doctor, well, when I was 23 I asked that question, that very question, why is it that some people walk to talk and others live their life? Why is it that some people do what they say and others don’t. And I pursued that question and came to the realization that every human being has a set of priorities, a set of values that they live their life by. Most people, most are unconscious of what these really are. They have a fantasy about what they wish they would to be, hope they were to be, think it should be or ought to be, but they’re not really in touch with what is really important to them and what their life demonstrates is actually meaningful priority and important. So if an individual identifies what’s truly most important prioritizes their life and lives congruently according to what is really most important, most priority, and fill their day with the highest priority actions that really inspire them. They build incremental momentum towards obtaining what it. Is that they think about most which is an reflection of that highest value. So if, if a person is not congruent with that and not prioritizing and delegating lower part of things and sticking to the thing and dedicating to the thing that’s most important, they’re they’re going to be a walking, a limping life and not a walking in their talk, because they’re not going to stay focused on it. Only in your highest values are you spontaneously inspired and disciplined to fulfill what you’re striving for. So if you look carefully, and I’ve been blessed to do this now for 46 years since I did that, I’m 70 this year, so I’ve been watching and I meant like you said, 1000s of people that have global impact, and the ones that are congruent are sustainable, and the ones that aren’t are volatile, the best way to describe they go after a fantasy. And the reason being is because whenever you’re living by whatever’s highest in your value, the blood glucose and oxygen in your brain goes into the forebrain, where you’re more objective. You have strategic planning. You execute the plans, you mitigate risks, and you follow a strategy, and they’re using your systems to thinking, which is thinking before reacting. But whenever you’re not living by highest values, by lower values, instead, the blood glucose and oxygen goes into the amygdala, the sort of cortical area of the brain where you’re impulsive and instinctual, where you seek and avoid and get distracted by fantasies and nightmares and are transient and immediate gratifying individuals, instead of long term visionaries. And those individuals go after a fantasy, then find out that life’s not as easy. And then they go off on the next fantasy, and they go the next fantasy, and they want to get rich quick instead of get productive long term and invest in quality assets. And they they they’re off to the next fantasy that’s going to make them quick fixers. And so those people don’t, don’t thrive. McGregor in 1960 called him Theory Y and Theory X people, Theory Y were intrinsically driven individuals, and Theory X were extrinsically driven individuals. If you need motivation to do what you say is important, it’s not important. I don’t need motivation to teach, research, right and travel, which I’ve been doing 52 years. I love that. I do it spontaneously. I’ve delegated everything else off my plate, so I don’t to do anything else. So I just stick to my core competent. And when people do that, they excel. They become masters of their field, captains of their ship, and take command of their destiny. Wow,
that’s that’s incredible insight. So if someone’s listening to this now and they’re not in a place of fulfillment. They’re not following their dreams, they’re feeling frustrated, they’re in a job they don’t like, they’re in a relationship that they hate. They’re not quite sure doctor of what their values are or their destiny is. How do you help individuals determine their true values.

Well, 46 years ago, when I started pursuing that, I looked at the literature that was available on axiology, which is a study of value and worth. And frankly, what I saw in the literature was what Nietzsche called is verse ought In other words, it was what you ought to be instead of what you are, and I found that that was imposed by mothers, fathers, preachers, teachers, conventions, traditions and mores around you, and you’re supposed to fit in and be part of the herd instead of actually going out and be unique and be authentic and be individualized. And so I created my own value determination process, starting back then, which I’ve used now all over the place. It’s been in fact, I’m getting an article on it in a couple days on from or Forbes, they want to do a feature on it. And what this is is more objective view about what’s really important to you, and majority people don’t know. I mean, I’ve done a value determination for 46 years on 10s of 1000s of people, and maybe 1% know their values, if they’re lucky. So, so if you want to know what your values are, if you go on my website, Dr, there’s a free value determination process. It’s private. It’s public. I mean, it’s private for you, and you can go over it again and look at it again after you’ve done it. But what it is is a series of very concise questions. For instance,
if you look carefully in the study of proxemics and what people keep in their space, you’ll find out when something’s extremely valuable, they’ll keep it in their space, close to them, within their intimate which is 18 inches to four feet, which is their individual space. So something that’s really, really, really, really important you keep near you. For instance, this. Computer that I’ve got in front of me is literally 18 to 20 inches away from me most hours of the day, because I live on my computer. So I interact with it, sensory and I motor, and I use my fingertips and type, and I’m learning from it. I’m engaged in this item. If you look very carefully at what you fill your space with your intimate and personal space, which is within reach of your hands and in really within 18 inches of you. And what do you fill that space with? That indicates what you value, because something is really valuable, you keep close to you something it’s not your discard. If I was to give you something that had zero value, you’d say, thank you and smile, and then you toss it. But if it’s something that’s really valuable, you keep it close to you, a diamond ring to a woman that’s married that loves the guy who’s going to wear it, not going to take it off easily, but something that’s not valuable, it’s discarded. So the first value determinant is space. How do you feel your intimate and personal space? And what’s the items and what is the dominant use of them? Because the dominant use now, the dominant use of my computer is teaching. The second most dominant use of it is learning and researching. I’m a teacher and researcher, so my my items reveal what’s important to me. My phone I use also for research. I’m looking stuff up on the phone constantly. So I look at what my space is. The second value determinant is time. You find time, make time and spend time on things that are valuable to you effortlessly. But you have to be motivated to spend time, make time and use time for things that aren’t. So look at what you spend your time on spontaneously. I research every single day, and I’m teaching every single day, literally, seven days a week. I’m teaching somehow, writing an article, doing a podcast, doing an interview, doing a webinar. I’m educating, and I’m learning and researching every day. So my time reveals what I value. My Space reveals what I value. The third thing is energy. Whenever you’re doing something high in your value, your energy levels go up. Whenever you’re doing something low in your values, your energy goes down. So what is it? What are the top three things that energize you most? I already know mine. It’s teaching, researching and writing and traveling. Because I travel, I’ve gone 21 million miles of traveling. I’ve probably got a record in the world. So I travel non stop, either flying on the jet or I fly in my I’m sailing in my ship. So I look at what my life demonstrates that energizes me, and it’s teach, research and learn, write and travel. So you look at what it is it energizes you most. The fourth one is money. You find money, you make money, and you spend money on things that are valuable to you, but you don’t want to spend a dime on something that has zero value. So look at where your disbursements are, and where most your money goes is what’s most valuable, and release is what’s least valuable. And look at the hierarchy of how you’re spending your money. Your hierarchy of your hierarchy of your values is dictating how you financially spend your money. If you have a high value on consumables that depreciate in value and nice dinners and nice stuff, then and not buying assets, you’re not going to be financially independent. You’re going to have a nice lifestyle, but you’re not going to be financially independent. You’re going to be working as a slave all your life instead of having it work for you. So the value values is dictating your financial destiny. So look at how you spend your money. Where is it going? Most of my money goes to asset accumulation and buying asset it’s just the fact. So I’m a wealthy guy financially, and it’s a passive income. The fifth one is, where are you most ordered and organized. There’s areas of your life that you don’t get around to putting an order, and you delegate it. And there’s other areas where you are highly organized. I’m highly organized when it comes to teaching, highly organized when it’s researching, high organized when it’s traveling and investing outside that I delegate. I don’t do I don’t do anything else accept the things that I love doing, so I’ve delegated it. So look at where you’re most ordered and organized. And I asked, I asked three answers for each of these. Then the next one is where you’re most disciplined, reliable and focused. What is it you spontaneously do that nobody has to remind you to do? You just do it, and you’re reliable to do it. You count on them. You can count on to me to be teaching every day. You can count on to be learning every day. I don’t go a day without learning and reading. You can count on to be traveling somewhere. And you count on me to be investing, because I have weekly automated investments every single week going for 42 years. I’ve got a track record of it. So you can’t rely on me to be driving a car. Haven’t driven a car in 35 years almost. You can’t count on me to cook because I haven’t cooked since I was 24 you can’t count on me to go out and socialize and go get drunk and stuff like that, because I don’t do that. But you count on to me doing what I love doing. So look at carefully what you’re reliable and discipline on the next one is, what do you think about the next one’s. You visualize. And the next one’s, what do you internally dialog with yourself about, about how you would love your life to be that shows evidence of coming true. If there’s no evidence, and if you love it, then that’s not what I’m asking for. If you don’t love it, but there’s evidence, I’m not asking for that. But what do you what do you do? What do you visualize, think about, and an internally dialog about how you would love your life that shows evidence chemistry that tells you what’s important, because that’s your visual simple cortex, your funnel and parietal cortex for thinking, and your temporal cortex when they’re all congruent, and a synesthesia towards something you want. It’s high value. The next one is, what do you converse with other people about? What do you want to bring want to bring the conversation to? When you go into social settings, if the people are talking about something that boring, you tune out, and you get bored, and you think you look at your clock. If they can engage in something you want to talk about, time disappears. You stay there all night talking about it. What do you engage in talk about? And want to bring the conversation to about most that tells you what you value, because we automatically want to expand our epistemological understanding in that area that’s important to us. The next one is, what is it that inspires us and brings tears to eyes that we when we have moments of tears and eureka moments gamma synchronicities in the brain, when those fire off and we have a perfect alpha, theta balance and the gamma synchronicity growth. That’s a moment of authenticity. Pay close attention to that. Capture the content of whatever’s in the mind at the time. You have tears of inspiration, and that tells you what your values are and what’s important to you. The next one is, what are the most consistent, persistent goals that you’ve had that you consistently work towards, and you build incremental momentum to achieving it, and you’re making massive evidence towards it that tells you value, because you’ve never given up on it. And the things you don’t give up on, it’s a no. Turning back is the thing that’s valuable to you. And the last ones, what do you want to spontaneously study? Read about, learn about, watch on YouTube. What do you want to feed your mind. We love learning about what’s most important to us. We filter out the rest. We allow in that information that’s going to help us fulfill what’s most meaningful and whatever is highest on our value is our teleological purpose, our epistemological area of expertise, our ontological identity, and the thing that we feel is our own real mission in life. So if we go and identify three answers for each of those top 13 questions, and answer those and be honest and go back and look at it again and make sure, you’ll see a pattern, and the pattern will reveal what’s important, because the answers that show up most frequently down to least frequency tell you where your hierarchy of values are, and I’ve been doing that for a long time, and companies and governments and institutions of all different types use it for all types of purposes that that tool, and it works. It’s a very powerful tool to help you discern the difference between what you fantasize about, what’s really going to be important, to where you’re going to excel. And then you prioritize your life and dedicate to the top ones and delegate to lower ones, and you’re on your way to an inspired and powerful and wealthy life. Wow,
that was an incredible answer, and surely our listeners now are going to have some work to do, and that’s really what this podcast is about. It’s about helping people take massive action. Let me give you an example, and it will be interesting to see how you would help one of our viewers overcome this. I’ve been teaching people for almost a decade on how to start scale and grow their property portfolios, and we get a lot of people that come into the program. They’ve got a job. They’ve got a family, they are business owners, and they really, really want to become even more successful. Their value would say to me that they want to make money, they want to be successful. They want to sack the boss. They want to have time freedom, financial freedom, and that’s their words, that’s their words, that’s correct. And sometimes,
yeah, what what we what we find, is that they have a block around their husband or wife or a family member and they say, Well, that’s the problem. This is why I’m not moving forward. And there’s some conflict between what they want, but what’s happening in the home life?

How can someone deal with that?

They don’t have a conflict. They think they do okay. They don’t know what the values are. This is where the challenge is. They think they want to get wealthy and business, but they have a higher value on maintaining that marriage than they do on that business. And they’ll won’t sacrifice the business for the marriage. I had a gentleman recently. This is, this is an interesting thing. This will be applicable to whoever’s maybe listening. He wanted to grow his business. He’d been three years in a plateau, and he did quite well. He got up to a certain level.

But he was plateauing, so he asked for a console.

And I said, So, what do you say? You want to do so well, I want to, I want to take off on my business. I want to make more income. I want to do it. And I hear all that. Those are, those are words I hear every single day. Everybody fantasize about having all that and I said, so what is inside you? You obviously have a fear of that happening. What’s the fear of that happening? Because there’s a fear. And he says, I think I know. And I said, what he says, three of my buddies scaled up their business, and they end up in a divorce, and as a result of it, half their business got chewed about by the divorce, and then all the assets had to be paid off, and they had to kind of start over. And I don’t want to lose my wife. Don’t want to divorce my family. I swear I would never do that, which means it’s higher on his values and the scaling of his business at that moment. And I said anytime two values appear to be clashing, then one of them is a true value and the other is an injected value, comparing yourself to other people that are successful in finance and business. But that’s not your values. That’s their values, but you’re comparing yourself to them and injecting those values and expecting yourself to live in those values, and beating yourself up, because the truth is, you have a value on your family. He says, Well, there’s anything I can do about it. Said, Absolutely, anytime two values are closer together on the value hierarchy, they enhance each other. Anytime they’re farther apart, they hinder each other. And right now, they’re too far apart, and so you can’t see how building your business is going to do anything except destroy your marriage. And so you’re going to have a break on even though you got a gas pedal. You say one thing, but your life is demonstrating another. Your hierarchy of values is dictating your destiny. Your values are really more on your family right now than on your business. So we now have to ask the question, to link them. How specifically is doing the action steps proven to scale up the business going to help your wife fulfill what her values are? He goes, I have no idea. Then you won’t do it.

Very, very interesting.

So, so how is the proven action steps that you got that you know will give you your growth from your mentor, your coaching, your reading from your experience whatever, your buddies or whatever. How are those action steps going to help you fulfill your wife’s highest values? Because if you can’t see it, you’re going to not you’re going to take no action because you don’t want to undermine your wife and your wife and have her bitching at you. So what’s the what’s the benefit to her if you can’t see it? So I made him find the benefits. Because if you if you scale up your business and you prioritize things and delegate things, and make more income and delegate more, you can buy time for the family if you do that and talk in terms of growing the business on the terms of your wife’s values. That way, if her highest value is her children in the college for the children, and the travels on vacation and these kind of things, and the nice home and the nice clothes, and whatever her values are, if you talk and how my growing my business, will make sure the kids will get to college, making sure that I grow and triple my business and make sure we take our vacations. If you talk in terms of their values, you’re free. Once her values are met, she gives you freedom to do what you want to do. But if you can’t see that you can’t articulate that, and she can’t see that she’s going to stop you and going to do everything she can to undermine that and threaten you. So you got to communicate. She’s a customer. Your wife’s a customer or spouse. If you’re a woman running the business and the husband’s at home, your wife or husband is and spouse is a customer. If you don’t communicate what you want in terms of customers. Values, they go somewhere else. So values, how specifically is her top three values, helping you grow the business, and how specifically, in the proven action steps, helping her fulfill her top values, I linked those, and we end up with 70 links, 70 correlations. That’s all 70 links where he was all of a sudden now going, if I do this, my wife gets what she wants. If I spend time my wife, my business grows. He made the links. He tripled his business in six months. Tripled it in six months, once his mind was freed of that conflict in the value structure, because he now saw that what he wanted with his wife was now doable by building his business. Wow, higher on his values than he thought, but he thought he he’s saying the words, I want to grow my business, get my business. But his fear of losing his wife was higher on his value list, and we’ve showed him that by doing the value determination. And once he saw it, he goes, No wonder I’m not growing my business, because the second I see it, I grow I’m going to undermine what I value. And that’s why you hesitate, you procrastinate, hesitate and frustrate on anything that can undermine what you value most. So being aware of what his values are, and then linking those values and seeing that those could be both done all of a sudden he’s his freedom took off and and you know, having explained that so well, you can now use this with any type of conflict you feel you have. I want to become really wealthy, but how about spending time with my children? And then there may be some guilt around not spending as much time with your children. So based on what you’ve just said, you gotta, you gotta package, package your children and make a good price. Yeah, good price for gotta return on your investment.

But it’s becoming very evident that it’s not just about your values. It’s about understanding the values of people that you care about in your life, your wife, your children, your husband, business partners. Would you? Would you say that’s really important? Yeah.

Okay, so let’s, let’s just put this in context on the development and evolution of Business at one time. Business was you build a business, you try to meet the needs of the customer, you compete, and you make a profit. But then it started to go well. Now we’ve got taxes we gotta pay, and now we’ve got the ecologies come in. Now you gotta make sure that you’re growing a business that doesn’t undermine the ecology. Then you got shareholders, and you got stakeholders, and as more people get in the mix, then you got employees. Employees started putting unions if they didn’t get what they wanted right in the industrial area. Anytime you’re not meeting the values of anybody that’s impacted by the business, you have to learn how to communicate the value of what you’re doing in the business that you want to scale your business up with in terms of all those values of those people, and how meeting those needs of those people help grow the business. If you can’t, you’re guaranteed to hit another obstacle. Anybody that you perceive that you can’t help fulfill their values, they’re going to put up an obstacle to resist you from growing, and if you value them, you’re going to shut yourself down. Is this one of the reasons why you meet a girl or you meet a boy, or you meet a business partner, and in the early days, you all love each other, and it’s all, it’s all roses and hunky dory, what, what? And then, and then there’s this conflict, and then there’s divorce, and then business partners separate.

Well, it you Why is this? You felt you fell into the fantasy that this person’s got more advantages and disadvantages, and you’re going to this is going to shock people, but there is no such thing. This is the delusion that people have when they’re living in their amygdala. The amygdala wants a prey without a predator, and it wants a pleasure without a pain, and a positive without a negative, and a nice without a mean and a kind without a cruel and if it sees a prey, it has a false positive on the positives and a false negative on the negatives, and it sees something that’s not there and doesn’t see something that is there. And then it eventually wakes up days, weeks, months or years, and go, Oh my god, this is not what I thought. And you were blind. This is exactly why Warren Buffett said, the wise people do what? Upfront, what the poor, the not wise people do at the end, they look for the downsides and balance out their equation and make sure they mitigate the risk and make sure they go after an objective and strategize. The purpose of strategic planning is to transform fantasies into true objectives to make sure they’re not caught by the fantasies is going to have an advantage without a disadvantage, because there is no such thing. There’s always a cost. And if you can’t embrace both sides, don’t expect to manage, you know, real wealth. Look, people think, Well, when I get wealthy, then I’ll be happy. No, no, no, no no. When they get a wealth, they got a new set of challenges. They got to manage their kids without giving them entitlement. You got to not to, you know, if they think you got money, they’re going to expect things, and then they’re going to compete, and then they’re going to get an ego trip. To get ego trips, and then you got to deal with all that. There’s new dramas. Then you got opportunists, and you got philanthropic people after you, and you got people expecting. You got opportunities coming after with legal issues. There’s a new set. If you’re not prepared for all the pains that come with the pleasure of wealth building, they’re not ready for wealth, you have a fantasy, and most people have a fantasy of wealth building instead of the objectives. And that’s the difference between a fantasy seeker, which is transient, and a real, long term visionary that’s willing to embrace the pain and pleasure and the pursuit of something that’s deeply meaningful. The pursuit of meaning is way more powerful than the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure, and many people go after fantasies like an infatuated relationship instead of true love.

So how would you embrace both sides? So how would you sum up happiness? What is it truly needs
to be. Waste my time. I don’t waste my time on happiness. I gave that up 40 years ago. I don’t pursue this. There’s a thing called he don’t. Everybody who’s listening. Look this up hedonic adaptation, sometimes called hedonic treadmill, or hedonic paradox, and you will see that in the brain, that anytime you pursue something that you think is going to have more advantage and disadvantage, positive than negative, pleasure than pain, you automatically have homeostatic feedback systems in the brain to calm it down, to try to make you intuitively aware of the downside. Because you’re blind, it’s built into the equation. It’s called hedonic adaptation. And the same thing when it goes below and you’re down and depressed, it comes back up, and it’s trying to get you back into homeostasis, to keep yourself because when you infatuate, if anybody here has been infatuated with somebody they know they can’t sleep at night. There have intrusive thoughts. The person occupies space and time in mind. They have a fantasy. They get distracted from their primary objectives at work. They now got this fatal attraction, like Michael Douglas right in Fatal Attraction, and this, this pleasure is an illusion. And so people get caught in that as a survival strategy, instead of understanding what an objective is. The same thing, if you resent somebody, it occupies space on your mind. You can’t sleep at night. Anytime you have an imbalanced ratio of perceptions, you get intrusive thoughts. You get your amygdala activated. You now have a subjective distortion of reality. You live in fantasies and nightmares as distractions, and you don’t have a clear objective where you’re strategic investing. One of my greatest investors that taught me something, if it’s if you’re on track, it’s boring. If you’re excited, you screwed up.

I love that. I get excited a lot.

Maybe I’m screwed up. I gave up happiness. It made me too sad. I quit that 40 years ago. I now go after a man on a mission. I don’t call myself success. I don’t call myself fair. I don’t waste my time on those illusions. I just I’m a man on a mission, doing my objective, focusing on it. I don’t compare myself to other people. I compare my daily actions to my own objectives. How congruent Am I to my objectives? If I do that, I’m going places. If I compare myself to others and judge them and put myself up or down relative to them, label myself, I’m distracted. I don’t find that product.

Wow, great. Well, you’ve been doing this for many, many decades. Could could you share a defining moment in your life that significantly influenced your philosophy and work, because there may be something going on for someone right now and maybe today listening to this or something happening to them in the future that could be a defining moment for them.

When I first got my shingle and hung him out in the health field many years ago, I, I was doing everything. I was a generalist, doing whatever it took to grow the business. I was committed to growing the business, but I was doing everything. I mean, I I did the bank reconciliations, I did bank payments, I did, you know, supply. I did everything. And I had one assistant that I hired, and she did appointments and scheduling and things like that. But I was doing everything else, and I realized I’d spent 10 years to college to do that, to do all this stuff. And I thought, This is ridiculous, and I went over to waldens Bookstore. There was a waldens and Dalton’s bookstore back in the early 80s, 1982 it’s 1982 and I went there and I found this book called the time trap by Alec McKenzie. And I pulled out this book and I devoured it. And just devoured that book, and dog eared it and took notes, etc. And then I did a exercise that whoever’s on here follow this exercise. It’s, it’s a fast way to scale up your business. I made a list of every single thing that I do in a day over a three month period. And I mean, I was thorough. And I didn’t put broad, vague, general labels like marketing, you know, selling. I put the actual daily moment by moment, action steps that I did, make these calls, fill out this paperwork. I made a list of every single thing that I did in a day over a three month period, because different days I did different things, but I put them all in there. I wanted to look at how I was actually using my time, because your time is your life. How am I actually spending my time? I made this massive list I divided up into personal and professional. And as I was doing that, my intuition was whispering, no wonder I’m frustrated. I I’m doing a whole bunch of low priority stuff, and it’s weighing me down, because anytime you do high priority things, you grow up in self worth. Anytime you do low priority things, you lower, so forth, and the world around you reflects that they devalue if you devalue. So when I got through that list, and it was a long list, in the next column of six columns, that was column one, column two was, how much does it produce per hour? How much money? Does that action generate per hour? So if I spend 20 minutes on it, makes $300 that means it’s $900 an hour. If I spend 30 minutes on it makes $200 that means it’s $4 an hour. If I spend 10 minutes on it, it makes $60 it’s $360 an hour. If I spend an hour on it and I make $400 it’s $400 an hour. If I spend four hours and I make $400 it’s $100 an hour. I made a list of everything I did, and I put $1 value of what it produced. And if it was a combination of things that made up something it produced, I broke it down into best I could, into what I thought its production was. When I got through I found out that over 30% of what I was doing was zeros, nothing, no value. Now the value means, if they’re paying you, that means you’re doing something that meets the need of another human being. Productivity is serving some need that they’re willing to pay. If they’re not willing to pay anything, it has no value, and you’re devaluing your time and your energies and space. So when I got through I immediately decided I’m charging for certain things that I wasn’t charging for. I valued myself there. And then I realized that I’m doing low priority stuff, and every time I’m doing I’m diluting my value per hour, my time. And a lot of them were non leverageables my time, and I looked at which ones were leverageable and which ones are not, which ones I could delegate leverage and others I couldn’t. Then on the third column, I wrote down on a one to 10 scale, meaning, how much meaning does each of these items have? If it’s if it’s something I can’t wait to get up in the morning doing. I’m thinking about it. I’m dreaming about it. I’m inspired by it. I can’t wait to do it so people can’t wait to get my service. It’s a 10. If I’m going, Oh, I got to do it. I have to do it. I must do it. And it’s a duty, and not a designed inspiration. It’s a one. And I put on a scale, and then I prioritize that list according to meaning, from a 10 down to a one. And I was blessed. Some of the ones that produced the much per hour were also the ones that had the most meaning. So I was really blessed. Not everybody gets that blessing, but I got I saw which where I need to be going, and I found out that me, speaking in front of people was more leveraging than clinically, doing the work in the clinic, going out and speaking was more powerful at producing more than it was me actually being in the in the little trenches, doing the cubicle clinical work, which was an eye opener, because I thought I’m going to go and become a doc, but then I realized that that’s actually going to interfere with my outreach in the world. So that was an eye opener. Then I went to the fourth column. How much does it cost to delegate that to somebody who’s more competent than me, who’s more excellent than me, more capable than me, who has it highest on their values, that they will spontaneously do so I don’t have to micromanage. And what would that two cost be? Not just their salary, their space usage, their training, their bonuses, their insurance, their parking, every detail down to the pending the equipment, etc, even the the plant maintenance, everything, I broke it down and itemized those. I went really meticulous of that to find out what the costs are. And then I looked at the spreads on what produced and what cost. And then I prioritize it by spread, because then I knew I could leverage and extract surplus labor value out of out of labor by doing that, and in the process of doing it, go on to do the very highest priority things that produce the most and allow people to do the things that allow me to get the most out of their work. So I had the least amount of risk hiring people in the process of doing that. The next column was how much actual time per day. It was so when I put the job description together, I know exactly what they’re going to be doing with their time. And the last one is the final prioritization, factoring all the variables. Once I did that, I layered every one of those things into layers, and I put together job descriptions layer by layer by layer. The last one that I delegated was the ones that I do so I could duplicate myself and all the ones that were trivial, I I got off my plate first, and I layered it hire people. I went through three people to get the first person, two people go the second one after that, I get better at hiring, and eventually layered that out and got rid of it. In 18 months, I had a little 970 square foot office with one little staff member. When I started, when I read that book, I had 12 staff members, five doctors in a 5000 square foot office, making 10 fold increase in 18 months. 18 months from I scaled up. I liberated myself. Made more many income doing only what I really love to do now. And I said goodbye to all those other things. And I’ve never turned back. I only teach, research, write and travel today. I delegate every single thing out if my girlfriend. I go up to my girlfriend, I said, Listen, my highest expectation, my highest level of. Mastery is not in the love making. If I got George Clooney to take care of love making for on my behalf, for you, would you still love me? I’d love you even more, honey, outsource the lovemaking. Love that
I’m kidding. I’m teasing about that happy wife, happy life. So so this, this this illusion that people say this objection, I hear it all the time in the property wealth space I don’t have the time is just BS, right? It it’s well, if they don’t have the values, if their highest value is not wealth building the highest value is not the actual action steps if here’s a really great exercise you can do on your clients to save you a lot of aggravation. Okay, because there’s there’s clients out there that you know are not going to pull it off, and you know that some are really going to go for it. And so what you do is you make a list of everything that you’ve ever going to ask your clients to do that you know from your own experience and 1000s of other people you’ve met, you’ve helped inspire and build wealth with. What are the action steps? You know work? These are, these are non negotiable things. If you do this, you’re going to get a result. You find out what that is. Then you find out what the hierarchy of values of the individual are. At the beginning, when you’re about to have them come in as a new client, and you find out those values are, and you find out what those results and you interview them, and you charge them, and you say, I want to make sure that this is a fit, because I don’t want to spend my time pushing people uphill, and you don’t want to spend your time going after a fantasy. That’s not going to be something you’re going to commit to. It’s just it’s not a win for both of us. So we’re going to screen that out. We’re going to find out what you value most. We’re going to find out what the job responsibilities are to nor to build wealth in the in real estate properties. And we’re going to ask you how specifically is doing that action can help you fulfill your top value and your second value third. If you can’t answer that, you won’t do it. If there’s no congruency, there’s no fluency in answers. And I can screen anybody in there, and I could find out which ones are going to do it, who is not before they even start. I’ll tell you which ones are going to do their
actions. Yeah, that’s that’s a very, very powerful exercise, for sure. What would you say doctors, to someone listening to this now that is suffering with self limiting beliefs or constant procrastination to help them overcome this.

You don’t ever procrastinate on your highest values. Yeah, I love the way everything is coming back to values, values, values, all drive and motivation comes from that nobody procrastinates on their highest value, but they procrastinate on what they think is high. Well, how would you have a lot of fantasies about what they think is important, but their life don’t demonstrate your life demonstrates your values, your words do not your claims and value, but your the goals that you have are either fantasies when there’s incongruency, or objectives when there’s congruency. And most people have fantasies, not true objectives. That’s why I screen them out. I’d like to screen out the people because it’s it’s going to frustrate them, and it’s going to distract you from what you’re up to. And you want the most results with the most people’s lives, to build the most portfolios for the most amount of people, because more people are going to come to you. Want to learn how you did it. Why is it that 100% of your people are making fortunes? More people will come to you with more income, paying more it grows the business than having people that are not. And it shows and reflects in the stats, and then you go, well, 30% of them don’t do it, so then you’re facing it. So you screen them out for your own benefit, and you’re screening out for their benefit. It’s called caring about somebody to make sure this is really what they want, not just a fad. That’s great. And you’ve been doing your work for decades. How have you seen your work impact people globally, and what feedback have you received that’s really stood out for you over the last 3040, 50 years, I believe you said you’ve been teaching 52 years of teaching 52 Wow, yeah, 46 with it when it comes to value applications, well, There’s a company in Japan called Uniqlo, which is the largest manufacturer of clothing goods.

I shot, I shot there. They very good, very good. Yeah, yeah. Well, the how I got involved in that company is I happen to do an evening talk in Tokyo, and there’s quite a number of people there. And there happened to be a manager from the Ginza main store of Uniqlo that just happened to be there. He then found out we were doing a program on the breakthrough experience. So he thought, I think I’m gonna attend that. So he comes there, and I introduced value applications and values at that program. And there I had another program that was a value training program and how to map. Maximize productivity and engagement in people in life by values. So he came and he decided to do that. From that, he went back to his main office, and he started apply it in his main office, and started applying it to some of his employees, and was measuring the KPIs and measuring the productivity spikes. He says, this is this is impactful. Knowing what their values are, making sure that they have a link between their job description and that increases engagement, productivity, and you don’t have to manage these people. They’re just self self they’re theory wide people, as McGregor said, they’re self initiated. So he started doing this and applying the principles from the value applications to his employees. Notice the productivity went up. The stats showed it. The income showed it, the profit showed it. So then he was responsible for five stores in addition to his in training those managers. So he took it to those well, he took it to 15 people in his store, and then throughout his store, then he took it to five other stores. Showed it to them. They spiked. Took it to 15 stores, all within one year, introduced it. They spiked at the end of the year. Tadashi and I was the wealthiest man in Japan who owns the store, whose father founded it. But he took it and made it global. He was doing and honoring everybody for their productivity for the end of the year, and he noticed that 11 of the 15 most productive stores were being managed and influenced by this guy. So he called the guy in and said, what’s happening? There’s a big spike going on here. What’s what’s happening? He says, Well, I started incorporating this Dr de martinis value applications. And he said, Well, tell me about it. He says, Well, I I do this and this and this. He said, Well, who is this guy? He never heard of me. So he contacted the guy that promotes me in Tokyo, organized a meeting, so I went to the head of unique club, met with Tadashi and I, he’s a billionaire, and this manager, and taka and this other lady who translated for us, and spent about three to four hours with lunch and everything else, explaining the entire value system to him. He paid me for my time. Just paid for everything. He then gave that guy a raise and a promotion to be the manager to get that information out. So they started to apply the value applications on how to hire by values, determine values higher by values. Inspire teens, buy values. Lead, manage, negotiate, sell, communicate, change management by values and manage money by values. All that got incorporated into the company, and when, at $1.49 billion according to what he told me that year, Oh,
wow. That’s incredible.

That’s, that’s the value of value applications. Because most people don’t know when you’re hiring somebody, they’ll tell you all kind of things you want to hear. But nobody can fake the value linking process. I can screen somebody out know if they’re going to be productive before you even hire.
Wow, wow. That’s, that’s incredible. This, this is very powerful, getting really tuned into to values. Last couple of questions. Last couple of questions. What advice do you have for young people who are trying to find their path in life?

Their path is always an expression of their highest value. That’s their teleological purpose. Aristotle wrote about this in his times. It’s 2350 years old. He called the highest value the telos. And the telos is what Napoleon Hill called the chief aim. And the study of teleology, which is a study of meaning and purpose, is an expression of the telos which is the highest value. So knowing what the highest value is where people excel. This is where they’re most meaningful, most productive, most inspired, most spontaneous, most expanded in awareness, most knowledge and core competence. This is where they excel, so finding that out and then targeting them to go in that direction. There’s 20 universities in Tokyo. Well, around Tokyo, that one guidance counselor who came to the Training Program on the value applications started incorporating it at the universities on guidance counseling. They started going to do the values and looked at what was highest, and then started gearing their direction. So that huge difference in engagement desire to finish school. And what they did is they promoted what they graduated from school so that has application in in the direction of people’s path in life. Your Your path is an expression of your highest value, and that’s where you’re most efficient and effective. I always say that your purpose is the most efficient and effective path to fulfill the greatest amount of values with the greatest the greatest amount of voids with the greatest amount of value. So you’re going to have the most fulfillment in life if you do what’s highest on your priority. Anytime you do something less than that, you devalue yourself. So that’s why I only do four things. Teach, research, write, travel. Wow.

Incredible. That’s incredible. I simplify.

You. Run a lot of workshops and seminars. Around the world, I’ve been very fortunate to attend the DR Demartini breakthrough experience with my 17 and 19 year old daughter and son. It was absolutely incredible for people tuning into this. Now, Doctor, what have you got up and coming? What would be the first step for someone to experience your work, and where can people find out more information about you and your incredible resources?

First thing is go to Dr and go and look up determine your values, just like which it’s free, it’s private, and it’ll take you 30 minutes, and the first time you do it, you’ll lie to yourself, most likely, because you’ll write down what you wish it would be and that the questions aren’t about that it’s what your life demonstrates objectively. But you’ll try to lie to yourself, do it again a week later and a month later, until you’re honest, you’ll know as you go through that exercise, it’s going to be eye opening, and you’ll see what your life is demonstrating is most important. Anytime you waste time on anything other than what’s highest in priority, you devalue yourself in life, and you decrease the probabilities of achievement, and you distract yourself with your amygdala, and you don’t stay focused with an executive function where you can build incremental momentum to achieve so that’s the first step. Then, if they want to come to a program, go to the events on the website, and find out where the breakthrough experience is, because that’s eye opening. I know you. You know you can’t go to the breaks experience without your eyes being expanded. It was incredible. Yeah, your brain is going to expand. And I have lots of core I have 80 courses that I teach, but that’s my entry course, the breakthrough experience on how to break through the so called beliefs. See, the limiting beliefs are nothing but injected values by outer authorities you’ve subordinated to the second you minimize. Think about this when you meet a girl that you really got the hots for the first weeks or so you’re with her, you sacrifice what’s important to you to be with her for fear of loss of her. And so anytime you put something above you and you’ve infatuated them, you inject their values and you you allow the clarity of what your mission is, and you sacrifice what’s important to you to be with to be like them. So anytime somebody is admiring somebody out there in business and intellect or wealth or whatever, and subordinate to them and put them on a pedestal, they just clouded the clarity of their own mission and lost sight of who they are. That’s why envy is ignorance and imitation and suicide, as Emerson said, and we’re not here to compare ourselves to others and put people on pedestals and pits. We’re here to put them in our heart and to stand on their shoulders as giants, instead of in their shadows. So people, instead of comparing yourself to other people, distracting yourself trying to be some of you’re not second at being number of who you are. Just focus and compare your actions to what you value most. Watch what happens. Massive difference in strategic you know, what absolutely incredible advice, fantastic resource. I just want to say a massive, massive thank you for giving us your valuable time on the deal maker podcast. It’s been absolutely incredible, and I really hope to have you back at some point in the future. That would be fantastic.

And thank you for the opportunity to be with you and your and your lovely people that are listening in and but so thank you for your for coming to the Ranger experience and also for giving me the opportunity to be on your show. Thanks.

Brilliant. Great. Well, there we have it. Dr John Demartini, what an incredible, incredible individual. I really hope that you’ve got some golden nuggets and some actionable steps in this podcast. And what I would recommend you do now is follow the advice from Dr Demartini. If we can do it, you can do it, and I look forward to seeing you in my next episode.


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