Liam shares his experience and key takeaways from a recent mastermind trip in Dakla, Morocco, focusing on the new age of masterminding and offering 12 valuable lessons learned during the trip.
Liam looks at the importance of turning one’s passion into profit, merging passion with profession, and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals. He also discusses the significance of bringing family members along for the journey, trying new things despite fear, and staying committed to one’s goals.
- Stop spending time on things you do not like or are not good at and find your true passion in life. Use that passion to create a product or service that can generate income.
- Identify where you can bring the most value in your business and focus on those areas. Learn the power of leverage and delegate tasks that you do not enjoy or excel at.
- It is important to hang out with other individuals who share similar goals and aspirations. Avoid negative influences and upgrade your circle to include people who are doing what you want to do.
- You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with: Choose your inner circle wisely. Surround yourself with successful and positive individuals who can inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals.
“Stop spending time on things you do not like or things you are not good at and really make a decision to find out what your true passion is in life.”
“The quicker you can learn the power of leverage, the better.”
“Hang out with like-minded people. This will really help.”
“You really do become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
If you’re listening to the dealmaker podcast, hosted by multimillionaire property investor, entrepreneur, and Guinness World Record holder, Liam Ryan, discover how to start scale and grow your business, become a better negotiator create more opportunity and make massive profit so you can live the life of your dreams. Today we are going to talk about the new age of masterminding. I’ve recently come back from a mastermind trip in that club Morocco, where a group of 10 of us work kite surfing and through that week, it was incredible, with some big transformations. I’ve made a point of the 12 lessons that I have learned through that process, and I want to share them with you. Number one, turn your passion into profit, stop spending time on things you do not like, or things you are not good at and really make a decision to find out what your true passion is in life. What makes you light up what takes you to a place of excitement and adventure? What is it you would like to be doing every single day, and then find a way of using that passion, putting it into a product and making money from it.
Number two, merge your passion with your profession, where can you bring the most amount of value, you do not have to spend time on every single task that you do not like or you are not good at in your business, the quicker you can learn the power of leverage, the better. So for me, I’m very good at raising money. So that’s where I spend my time, a passion of mine is working with investors and I use that in my business, I enjoy sales and marketing and mentoring people. So focusing on the areas where you can bring in the most amount of value. And then you are able to merge that with your profession and take your businesses to that next level.
Number three, it is absolutely imperative to hang out with other like minded people and perhaps right now you are hanging out with negative people, people that are pulling you down, look 68% of the population are fueled negatively rather than positively. So hang out with like minded people, this will really help and that brings me nicely on to point number four, which is you really do become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So it is important to up grade your circle. If you spend time with five skinned people, you’re going to be number six, five negative people, you’re going to be number six. So upgrade your circle and remember, get around a better quality type of person that is doing what you want to do.
Number five, bring your family along for the ride. I had my son Charlie at the Business Mastermind he’s 16 years of age, he’s just started a levels. But being on that mastermind was really important. So I got to build a great relationship with him. I got to build great memories with him. He also then got to see what I do behind the scenes. So I feel it’s really important where possible to bring your children your partners like hey, my beautiful wife, Holly, she comes out on the retreats with us when we do them in my bear and other parts of the world. My daughter’s done stuff. So get your family members involved behind the scenes and get everyone in the family buying in on the vision number six, try new things. And don’t be scared. No kite surfing. Oh my goodness, that was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. I do not like swimming. I do not like not having my feet on the ground unless I’m jumping out of airplanes. But I am not a strong swimmer. I drank more salt water than ever before. I was nervous. I was on edge. But we had a great instructor and at the end of the week, hey, I was kite surfing. I was being pulled along. But there were moments when I’m in the water and I’ve got this kite 22 meters above me. ‘m being pulled from pillar to post one minute I’m doing good and then I’m Superman in for five meters in the air. But you know what? I haven’t died. I feel like I’ve accomplished something amazing. So, try things that you’re scared of and stick with it until you get the results you want. So number seven is don’t leave before the miracle ends.
I’m going to say you’re going to do something stay committed so many people, they chase the shiny Penny, they move from pillar to post, one minute they’re doing property, then they’re doing crypto, then they’ve got this business idea, and they lose focus. You’ve got to focus if you want to be successful while follow one course until successful Tip number eight, block timeout in the diary or it simply won’t get done to use some type of diary management system. Tip number nine, mindset is everything. If you think you can, if you think you can’t, you’re probably right. Everything’s fine starts with mindset, the belief comes before the skill set. And this is why it’s important to get around other people that also believe there was once a time when nobody could run a four minute mile, then someone did a mile run in less than four minutes and weeks after everyone was running a mile in less than four minutes. So when you have the right mindset, if you think you can, if you think you can’t, you’re probably right number 10.
Show vulnerability. You don’t have to be good at all things. You don’t have to be a master of all things. And actually, success is asking for help. So get out your own way. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to have bad days. But if you hold on to that, and you’re not sharing it, that is not okay. Number 11. Think bigger than what you’re thinking to date. Go to a place where that goal is so big. It is like oh my goodness, I’m not even sure I can do it. And then double it and then triple it and Top tip number 12. Work on your business, not in your business. You’ve got to get yourself out of operations as quickly as possible. become the leader, the motivated the person that is coming up with the ideas, building the relationships, finding the deals, building the joint venture partnerships 70% of your time as a business owner entrepreneur should be spent building new relationships. So you got to get yourself out of the operations. Get yourself out of the admin, get yourself out of the nitty gritty. You can then focus in on high income generating tasks. So they are my top tips from my business retreat. I absolutely love retreats. I love going on retreats, I love running retreats, I run retreats all over the world. Marbella, Thailand, ski retreats, kite surfing retreats, if you’re here now, and you are somebody that wants to come and hang out.
I’ve got a personal invitation for you. somewhere around this video, there is a link, hit that link and you can come and spend time with me and my team at one of our up and coming events where I will show you how to make money manage money multiply money, you’re listening to the deal maker podcast hosted by multimillionaire property investor, entrepreneur, and Guinness World Record holder Liam Ryan, discover how to start scale and grow your business become a better negotiator create more opportunity and to make massive profit so you can live the life of your dreams or dreams.
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