Liam delves into the seven-step guaranteed system for successful property investing. Building on the previous episode, Ryan focuses on the fourth step, which is understanding the numbers involved in real estate investing.
He emphasises the importance of key metrics such as return on investment, net profit, and money left in a deal. Liam also highlights the significance of proper deal analysis and the goal of minimising cash investment while maximising profit.
- The seven key fundamentals of starting, scaling, and growing a successful property portfolio are mindset, funding, site finding, appraisal, planning, construction, and the exit.
- It is important to analyse the numbers of a property deal, including return on investment, net profit, money left in the deal, return on capital left in, rental income, selling prices, and all associated costs.
- Planning is crucial in real estate investing, both in terms of managing time efficiently and understanding the rules and regulations associated with the chosen property strategy.
- Building a power team of professionals, such as solicitors, planning consultants, architects, and brokers, is essential to ensure compliance with regulations and to handle tasks that one is not qualified for or does not enjoy.
- When it comes to construction, it is recommended to outsource the work to qualified professionals and obtain multiple quotes to ensure quality and cost-effectiveness. The focus should be on finding more deals and securing funding.
“You can make £15,000 per year per property. Did you know that? What impact would that have on you?”
“The aim of the game is that we pull out all of or the majority of the initial investment capital. This typically is the deposit, the legals, investor costs, and then the refurb costs.”
“I have got multiple seven and eight figure businesses, 28 million pounds worth of property deals, takes up less than five hours a week of my time.”
“The most important thing is to build relationships… What can you do every day to make the most amount of money in the shortest space of time.”
“Do it right. Invest in great people. Build something really special for your future. But make sure that you are sticking to the rules and regulations.”
If you’re listening to the dealmaker podcast, hosted by multimillionaire property investor, entrepreneur, and Guinness World Record holder, Liam Ryan, discover how to start scale and grow your business, become a better negotiator, create more opportunity and make massive profit so you can live the life of your dreams.
You can make 15,000 pounds per year per property. Did you know that? What impact would that have on you? Well, welcome to Liam Jay Ryan the dealmaker and in this episode, we are looking at part two of the UK real estate investing for beginners step by step guide. This is focusing on a seven step guaranteed system that will give you results. The seven steps, our mindset, funding site finding, we covered these off in part one, so make sure you tune into part one. Then we have appraisal, planning, construction and the exit. So let’s get straight into the next fundamental, which is the numbers. This is step four of the property freedom formula. The numbers are extremely important. And there are some key metrics that you need to be aware of what is going to be your return on investment? What is your net profit? What is the money left in a deal? Return on capital left in how much money do you need to deploy? What’s going to be the rental income, the selling prices? What are all of the costs associated with that particular deal? Architects costs, planning costs, builders costs, material costs, finance costs from the bank, private investor cost. So it is very important that when you are building a property portfolio, that you use the relevant deal analysis, and there’s many different ways to analyze deals, but you’ve got to keep it simple. How much money are you putting in? How much money are you taking out, and what is ultimately your return. Now in an ideal world, we want minimum cash in maximum profit out. And really, if you’re buying something we want to follow b Are you want to buy, you want to refurbish you want to refinance, or b r f, buy, refurbish and flip, flipping, you sell the property, and you make a big profit.
Now, when we be are, the aim of the game is that we pull out all of all the majority of the initial investment capital, this typically is the deposit. The legals invest the costs, and then the refurb costs. But when we add enough value to a property deal, the aim of the game is that we’re able to put that out, hence getting houses for free, you can then use that initial capital. And then you can go into a second view, a third deal and a fourth deal. Make sure that you are buying on logic, and what the deal analysis says, rather than a motion. Don’t fudge your numbers. But it’s very simple when you know how to do this, that then takes us nicely on to planning. This is the next part of the process. Now planning really comes down to two main areas. The first area is planning your diary planning your time, so you can become super efficient. The second is the rules and regulations associated to the property strategy that you are doing. And then also building a Power team around you where you can get other people to do the work that one you’re not good at. Two you’re not qualified for, and three that you just don’t simply enjoy. So let’s look at part one, and planning your time. One of the biggest challenges for many people in today’s modern world is I don’t have enough time. This is an excuse that I hear all the time over and over. And the reality is, you and I we both have the same 24 hours in a day. I have got multiple seven and eight figure businesses 28 million pounds worth of property deals takes up less than five hours a week of my time. 40 members of staff multiple multiple deals going on at any given time. How can I do that? And then some people say they struggle for time. If it’s about becoming efficient, I focus on high income generating tasks, finding deals, finding money, building relationships, building the brand, having the right conversations.
Most people, they focus on low income generating tasks, opening the mail, shopping, gardening, admin work, doing their own accounts, bookkeeping, being busy on social media, but just trolling people or scrolling for people. And hey, this type of behavior is gonna get you absolutely nowhere. The most important thing is to build relationships. And I have a mantra, what can you do every day to make the most amount of money in the shortest space of time. And you really got to be strict with your time strict with your conversations, you can break your day down into 15 minute chunks. And the moment you hand those minutes to somebody else, you are losing time in your business. So we have to be efficient, we’ve got to be organized, we’ve got to be using a diary system. Because when you get focused, as long as you can invest five to seven hours a week, that is all that is needed initially. To get that first one, two or three deals up and running. In the next 90 days, you know, what would life look like getting your offer accepted? In the next 30 days? What difference will that make in your life? How will that make you feel? How will people see you? What will you say about yourself? What shift will that make in your life and imagine having a three of those in the next 90 days, making your 45,000 pounds a year. The second part of planning is the rules and the regulations. So it’s important to work with top professionals have really good solicitors have a great planning consultant, work with architects, make sure you’re dealing with the right type of brokers. My professionals know a lot more about property than I do. I give them the role of completing on the deals, checking over the legals dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s. You don’t have to be some top legal expert. But what you have to do is have an understanding of what you need, you can check out the local HMO rules and regulations, you can make sure that you understand what’s required to become a landlord. So of course, we have to put in some energy, we’ve got to master the skills. But by building a great power team, they will make sure that you are doing things by the book and this is what I truly believe. Do it right. Invest in great people. Build something really special for your future. But make sure that you are sticking to the rules and regulations. Make sure that your tenants are legal, make sure you are legal as a landlord, because you are building an asset back business for the future. Do the work once get paid for a lifetime do the work once get paid for a lifetime. And that brings us nicely onto construction. Many people believe that they need to be builders or architects or have some type of role as a plumber or an engineer, hey, I don’t know how to change a light bulb or change a plug. My wife Holly does all of that stuff in the house. What you need to understand is that there are certain type of builders for small, medium and large jobs. So you get your Bob the Builder type character, they might come in and do a small refurb project for you knock down a few worlds put one or two stud walls up, maybe do some basic plumbing and heating engineering on the property. And then as you go and do bigger deals, you will go to a different type of contractor or main contractor, you might go out to different types of subcontractors. And then of course you make sure you’ve got the right agreements in place, typically a JCT contract. So this protects you and this protects them.
The most important thing here is don’t do the work yourself. You are better off finding more deals more money, even if you’re a builder, don’t do the work yourself. You should focus on more deals more money, and then outsource and leverage this to top professionals. But make sure that you go and get three quotes. Make sure you check the referencing these are really really, really important key factors. And that brings us nicely onto the exit. What can you do to maximise return on investment? Are you going to buy and sell buy and hold? How do you then carry on working with the investor? So this part of the process This is very, very important. Um, do not Penny pinch on the staging of your property. Give your end user an amazing experience, make sure that you go above and beyond because you will sell the property for more, you will rent the property for more, you will have your tenants and guests coming back time and time and time again. And also make sure that you fully understand the exit process. How are you going to refinance? What’s the UPS? What’s the downs? What’s best case? What’s worst case? are you likely to get all money out the deal or you’re going to leave some money in the deal. This is a very, very exciting part of this process. But this is all about rinsing and repeating and scaling, right? Because once you follow the freedom formula ones, you can do it twice, you can do it five times you can do it 100 times, and you can really, really build some traction. So they are the seven key fundamentals of starting scaling and growing a successful property portfolio. Step one is mindset. Step two funding site finding appraisal planning, construction and the exit. And when you follow all seven steps, this is how you will get great results. You will become a professional property investor so you can do what you want when you want with who you want, and build a legacy for your future. I really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode, and I look forward to seeing you very very soon.
You’re listening to the dealmaker podcast, hosted by multimillionaire property investor, entrepreneur, and Guinness World Record holder Liam Ryan, discover how to start scale and grow your business become a better negotiator create more opportunity and to make massive profit so you can live the life of your dreams or dreams.
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