Liam shares seven effective ways to market oneself as a business entrepreneur, focusing on the importance of choosing a niche and becoming an expert in that area.
Liam encourages listeners to educate themselves continuously and stay updated on the latest marketing strategies. Building a social media following is highlighted as a crucial step in today’s digital age. The episode also emphasises the significance of leading with value and building relationships with potential customers.
- To effectively market yourself as a business entrepreneur, it is important to choose a specific niche and focus on serving a particular target market.
- Position yourself as an authoritative figure in your field by developing a signature solution or roadmap that can guide your target audience from their current state to where they want to be.
- Continuously educate yourself on the latest marketing strategies and understand the unique selling points of your business. Stay updated and sharpen your skills to stay ahead in the market.
- Embrace the power of social media to build a following and connect with your target audience. Be a producer of valuable content rather than just a consumer, and use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, podcasts, and YouTube to engage with your audience.
“Start with one type of avatar, one type of product, and get your message out there to that person, understanding their pain points and their gain points.”
“Create a roadmap, a presentation, a recipe of three, five, or seven steps that will take your avatar on a journey… None of your competition will have something along these lines.”
“The world has changed… unless you change with it, you are going to be left behind… You can start to build a following, a fan base of the people that want to listen to you.”
“People need to get to know, like, and trust you… typically seven touch points before someone is ready to make a buying decision.”
If you’re listening to the dealmaker podcast, hosted by multimillionaire property investor, entrepreneur, and Guinness World Record holder, Liam Ryan, discover how to start scale and grow your business, become a better negotiator create more opportunity and make massive profit so you can live the life of your dreams.
Seven ways to market yourself as a business entrepreneur, let’s take a look at these these will certainly help you get better, faster results to take you to where you want to go. Number one, choose a nice, number two become an expert number three, educate number four, build a social media following number five, lead with value. Number six, look for speaking opportunities. And number seven, get to know more people by building better relationships.
Let’s take a deep dive into each of these elements. Number one is choose a niche, you do not have to serve the whole of humanity, get really laser focused at what your niche will be. Start with one type of Avatar, one type of product and get your message out there to that person understanding their pain points and their gain points, find a niche and really hone in on your target market number to become an experts get into a position where you are seen as the authority figure. And my recommendation is to do what’s called a signature solution. Create a roadmap, a presentation, a recipe of three, five or seven steps that will take your avatar on a journey, taking them from where they are now to where they need to be. And by having what’s called a signature solution, which is a roadmap. It’s a blueprint of their journey, this will elevate you in your marketplace, because I pretty much guarantee it. None of your competition, we’ll have something along these lines. So become an expert in your field. And really, this brings me on to point number three, which is educate. You need to educate yourself and really sharpen your own tools. ego gets in the way of a lot of people, they stop learning, they get stale, they go backwards. They rely on old methods, the slow way of doing things. So educate yourself on all of the latest marketing strategies. Educate yourself on your product, really be in a position where you are able to fully understand your unique selling points of your business. How can you really help your particular customer or avatar, every day is a school day. And the more you learn, the more you earn. So educate yourself how can you do this podcasts, books, mentors, education, advanced courses, mastermind groups, retreats, this is really important. Point number four, build a social media following Yes, I know that may sound painful for some of you. Eight years ago, I did not want to be on social media, but the world has changed my friends. And unless you change with it, you are going to be left behind. The way we now build relationships is very different to 10 or 15 years ago, you can get on Facebook, you can get on Instagram you can get on Tik Tok, you can start your own podcast or YouTube channel and relatively quickly using a phone. Anyone can do it, you can start to build a following a fan base of the people that want to listen to you. And remember, you focus down you don’t focus up okay, there is somebody out there right now that needs what you offer. So get yourself on social media, you’ve got two options, number one, be the consumer. Number two be the producer, the consumer scroll social media spends wasteless hours and hours and hours stalking other people. Why don’t you just become a producer and actually get out there and produce the content give great value. And that really leads me on to my next point and that is lead with value. How can you do that? Turn up, show up. Understand your product. You can put out amazing content. So So people are not going to necessarily buy from you straight away. You have to build that relationship people need to get to know like and trust you. And they say typically seven touch points before someone is ready to make a buying decision. The problem is, most people stop at touch point one or touch point to and they get disheartened because they’re not converting their leads. Keep giving out massive value, what sort of value do I give?
Well, I’m here now in my studio, I’m giving you massive value I’m sharing with you tips and tricks. My podcast goes out every week, my YouTube channels, my social media channels, the reels, the content that pitches, the stories, everything is out there to build a relationship with you. And when you start doing the same, hey, you could have 1 million pound mumps, 1.5 million pound moms 12 million pound a year businesses, but you’ve got to lead with value, create that relationship build know like and trust, you can go and give free products, you can become an author, you can get a lead magnet out there, there’s so many things you can do mini series online, lead with value, get your message out there. Number six, look for speaking opportunities. When I first started assets for life, I spent 18 months touring the UK. Speaking at networking events, I was not a born speaker, I hated public speaking but I got around great speakers. And when you get speaking opportunities, rather than talking one to one, you start to talk one to many, you could go to a networking event in your local area with 40 or 50 people in, get up on stage speak to those people 10 or 15 minutes, and then give them a free eBook. Asked to book in a coffee with you get them on a telephone conversation, you are speaking one to many. And if you look, you’re all successful business owners, they have speaking opportunities. And that’s really point number seven, you’ve got to spend time building new relationships. Get yourself out of the nitty gritty of what you do. Marketing is where it is that marketing and sales. How do you do that? You build great relationships, you find the right type of Avatar, you go and build your team, you outsource and leverage things. But you go and have more conversations with the type of Avatar you’re looking at. The more conversations you have, the more money that is going to come into your business.
So as a recap, seven top tips number one, choose a niche number two, become an expert three, educate yourself. Number four, build a social media following number five, lead with value. Number six, get yourself more speaking opportunities. And number seven, spend 70% of your time building great relationships. And when you apply these principles, I guarantee you, you will get more leads, you will market yourself you will become the expert, a top 1% performer, you got to be consistent. You got to be concise, but you can do this. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, then somewhere around this video there is a link to a events page. And you can come and hang out with me and my team where we will show you how to start scale and grow successful property portfolios and businesses and it’s completely free of charge. So come and hang out. You have nothing to lose everything to gain. You could be my next big success story. And I look forward to seeing you very very soon.
You’re listening to the dealmaker podcast, hosted by multimillionaire property investor, entrepreneur, and Guinness World Record holder Liam Ryan, discover how to start scale and grow your business become a better negotiator create more opportunity and to make massive profit so you can live the life of your dreams.
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