This time, Liam talks to Tre from The Apprentice as a special guest, sharing his inspiring journey and experiences. Tre discusses his upbringing, entrepreneurial spirit, and the challenges he faced, including health issues and personal struggles. He delves into the importance of resilience, authenticity, and the impact of his brother’s passing on his perspective. Tre also reflects on his time on The Apprentice, highlighting moments of leadership, teamwork, and overcoming obstacles.



“I was always one of those dreamers. I was one of those kids that didn’t have friends. It was always a bit of a dream.”

“The minute you make me an underdog, you’re in trouble. I don’t think anyone realised that the minute you make me an underdog, you are in trouble.”

“The minute that happened, I was like, right, I’ve got to be on PM for this, because no one wanted that gig. I was like, I’m all over this.”

“I’m one of these men who will cry on, I don’t care what anyone thinks about me because it’s just authentic.”


It’s just so important to be educated and don’t. Right, totally, totally go for no excuses. If you’re black, you got to work three times harder. And so I did. So I had all of this stuff that I think left me in good stead was always one of those dreamers. I was one of those kids that didn’t have friends is always a bit of a dream, always dreamed of inventing something. Everyone’s dream was to come to London. And everyone’s dream was to be rich. There’s a little small kid, he must have been about seven. He just had this dream and never let it go. He had the vision. He had the vision and he was a hard worker. He’s one of the world’s changing, it’s probably a much fairer than it was. I had the sense of work hard. So yeah, it definitely came from my parents, entrepreneurialism, but from a creative point of view, because I recognize I had the talent with my brother to create a product that could sell came across as a genuine, caring, stand up, no bullshit type of talent. That’s what I saw. And now I meet you in real life. And it’s exactly the same message. As I saw you there. Yeah. You attenuate throughout the whole process. One word to describe how you’re feeling right now. Welcome to another episode of the dealmaker podcast, are you somebody that wants more out of life? Do you want to go to that next level? Well, today, I am joined by a very special guest, Trey from the apprentice made it into the final five. And we are going to take you behind the curtain now. And we’re going to share with you some tips and tricks and exactly what you need to do in today’s world to go out there and be a huge, huge success. Um, Trey, welcome to the studio. Yes,
brother. Good to be here.

Man, you have just had a whirlwind take place over the last few weeks. One word to describe how you’re feeling right now.


Yeah, just grateful. Nice. Do you know what and it would be easy for me and for anyone that knows me think? Okay, Trey has been a band he’s had success before. Top 10 record all that kind of stuff. I do not take this sort of stuff for granted. Like I’m grateful. Like for so many reasons, obviously grateful for the opportunity to be in front of one of my childhood heroes, Lord sugar’s like, I’m old enough to have known his whole journey. And he’s one of my biggest heroes always been two of them tend to have UK entrepreneurs, Lord sugar Richard Branson, so to be sat in front of Lord sugar was just like, I’m grateful for, yeah, like grateful, and everyone else was a bit terrified. But when I saw him walking, I’m like, it’s almost like the kind of my dad or something. I’m, like, just grateful. But not only that, I wasn’t expecting the response that I get every single day. You know, I mean, like, and I think a younger me would have maybe seen it from a slightly more ego point of view, or unpopular people like me, blah, blah. But the older me just feels grateful. I’m grateful. I’ve never say what what I saw of you on The Apprentice you came across as a genuine, caring, stand up, no bullshit type of character. That’s what I saw. And now I’m meeting you in real life. And it’s exactly the same as I saw you there. So from what I could see you were genuine throughout the whole process, and we’re going to talk about the process in the next few minutes. But let’s just take us back to where this all began.

Did you know you was going to be an entrepreneur? Did you have a spa solution this at a young age? So when did this start? What happened and tell us about maybe one of your first experiences as as an entrepreneur?

So for me, it was I was going to be an entrepreneur from the minute, my mom would, because straight away, I mean, I’m Nigerian, I don’t know if you know anything about Nigerian culture, but I’m EBO. Nigerian, and I coaches we’re known as traders. So it’s just, it’s something that you just have to do. You know, and again, being Nigerian education is very important. I was beaten as a kid. And it sounds horrific when I say that. But from my culture, it’s just so important to be educated and go for it. Like, totally, totally go for it, no excuses. And of course, I grew up in the 70s, where things were a bit different. So you’re told, if you’re black, you got to work three times harder. And so I did. So I had all of this stuff that I think left me in good stead, you know, the cultural background, but a pragmatic sense of you might have to work harder than everyone else in order to make it and I love that because I still do, even though the world’s changing, it’s probably a much fairer than it was. I had this sense of work hard. So yeah, it definitely came from my parents. If my coach or my parents like, I’ve just got to go and create some something.

So would you say your parents, your mom or dad, were they quite a big role model to you massive? Yeah, growing up and what were some of the other values that they instilled into you? I mean, definitely a sense of resilience. Let me tell you a bit about my dad’s story. So my dad grew up in rural Nigeria. You know, I always say this story only lost one brother, my brother, actually, he lost seven siblings growing up in German that level of poverty that we can’t even imagine over here. He survived because it took him from one village to a neighboring village. And in that village, I guess maybe because he was quite smallest. He didn’t have his mom and dad with him. Brothers Sisters are all gone. He had these dream I guess where has to be autonomous for him as a child to look like I’m gonna be rich, you know your kid. If I’m rich, then no one’s gonna mess me about. So we had this dream growing up in Nigeria and the neighboring village from his own. And every time like a plane would go over to Scott always tell the story because I love it. Every time a plane would go over the village, it was 1950. So it’s quite rare thing. The whole school would come up good as an occasion. And he would point at the plane and say, one day I’m going to be on the white man’s plane. I’m coming to London, I’m going to be rich, because every Nigerian obviously back then and it’s British colony. Everyone’s dream was to come to London. And everyone’s dream was to be rich. There’s a little small kid, he must have been about seven. He just had this dream and never let it go. You had the vision. You had the vision and he was a hard worker any little money he would earn. He would it sounds so sad to say because it’s level of poverty. We’re talking about you know, you get rice that crops you know, big clumps of rice. He would take that cloth, go to Taylor and Taylor Taylor make clothes out of it as poor isn’t it really, but he was still enterprising enough to work for himself with no mum or dad. He had extended family to be able to look after himself. He just got the bug. He excelled in school. I mean, smashed it in school, eventually left the village, went to Lagos, the capital of Nigeria at the time, got a job in a bank or something common what he did, and from there came to London because everyone was coming just after Windrush days. Not in 61 came to London ended up in Notting Hill, which is a horrific ghetto. I don’t know if you know, Notting Hill, right. Everything’s not in hills, posh. But back then it was a ghetto. And he just got a bag of property. Wow. I don’t know where it came from. A property investor. Yeah, he bought the property we lived in, which was mad because everyone at that time was saying, Get a free counselor. So what are you doing these stupid? Why are you buying this old, horrible building that is typical in a Victorian four story house, which we still own to disable to where I live. And he just got this idea of buying this book because he’s live in one room with my mom and had children in one room and went from one room to buy in the house. It was a landlord that helped him to buy the house. And he just kept buying property. Wow, that was just literally in my gene.

So real hero for you. At a massive mess. It made a big difference in your life. So you know, going going through school, after school what happened? Because obviously he was in music for quite some time.
So I’m looking for that part of school for me was a bit challenging, because I was always one of those dreamers. I was one of those kids that didn’t have friends. As always a bit of a dream. I always dreamed of inventing something cool. I was obsessed with encyclopedias. Then if you remember to read Encyclopedia Britannica, showing your age, aren’t you glad? Yeah. Yeah. So I always had the dream for some reason of being in the encyclopedias because I never saw anyone that looked like me. And there was something was strange kid I was obsessed with legacy as a small kid, like, I think it was because I grew up quite Catholic. But at the same time, I was really into science. I had this weird thing in my head. I couldn’t quite reconcile between this Catholic upbringing of heaven and how it sounds weird. I’m saying this right, but bear with me, Heaven and Hell versus Darwin, and you’re just gonna go so I had this sense of, I want to do something that if I died, or something I would live on I had this weird thing as a kid. Don’t ask me why. But I really wanted to live on because I’m reading about all of these heroes in these encyclopedias in the fall. When I’m reading about them, they’re still here with us. I had this weird thing. Anyway, this came back to bite me in the bottom right.

So at age 15, I had appendicitis basically, I was rushed to hospital, which went fine. And during recovery, I was given a drug called semitone. And this drug caused me to go paralyzed. I want to say paralyzed is actually worse than it is like rigor mortis. I, your eyes rolled back in your head, and you can see the wall behind you and your stiff, right. And in that moment, I thought, this is an absolute nightmare. But it gave me an antidote I came out of that. But about an hour later went right back into and I thought I’m actually going to die. And because as a kid, I always had this mad fascination with legacy. And there was something that happened to my brain where my brain almost disassociated me from it. So when they gave me the antidote, again, I came out of it. My life was never the same. It’s like in that moment, I changed. Yeah, I had a condition called the realization, I had a condition called tinnitus, and I had to head pressure, but I didn’t know what any of them were. So it’s, it’s really weird when I look at my journey, like as entrepreneur as a dreamer, because as entrepreneurs are dreamers, right, that shocked interruption. It had such a profound effect on me. Because on one hand, I fought. I don’t know what’s wrong with me now. I’m unwell. What am I going to do about it, but I had to carry on. And I had this sense of legacies even more important to me now, because I don’t know if I’m going to survive. But on the other hand, it was almost like I was experiencing the way what my dad had experienced, because this is like, turmoil. This is pain. I’m gonna have to overcome overcome this hurdle. Yeah. So in hindsight, it was the best thing that happened to me, but at the time, it was horrific. How old were you at this point? 15. Wow. February 1990. Yeah, scary. Yeah, yeah.

Your whole life ahead of you. And then you’ve got these Exactly. No one knows what to do. Yeah. And
no one knew and I was in and out of hospital. When I saw doctors, nobody knew what to do. And eventually I just had to crack on. And how I cracked on was like, Oh, well, if it gets really, really bad, I can jump off a building. And when I tell it Why people thinks horrific but it’s not the same as being like suicidal. It’s more pragmatic. Because all my health issues were getting worse. I was like nothing I can do about it now. But if it gets bad at least I can jump off the building. So I had to just crack on. And did all right. Went to school did all right. University advertising halfway through, they had a massive hit record with brand new Monica the boy’s mind. I don’t remember the UK garage version of that. Probably probably definitely. I’m sure I wouldn’t I that was massive. And I think in a weird way, that’s probably my first foray into full on entrepreneurialism, but from a creative point of view, because I recognize I had the talent with my brother to create a product that could sell because that vinyl was selling for between seven and 12 pounds. And we sell probably about 50,000 of that. Yeah, not that we got the money for it. Don’t get me wrong, we got ripped off. I could say that because I really don’t care like they ripped off. But that just showed me Wow, you can create something that can sell. Yeah, did that did that give you like, a real boost of confidence and even more belief?

It did? Yeah. Because as a kid, one of my biggest dreams was to be on Top of the Pops, that my dad’s dream was to be on the white man’s plane come to London be rich. My dream not as big as that was I just wanted to be on top of the box. And I don’t know what it was there was something about the creativity that resonated with me, probably because I grew up in Notting Hill. And it’s such a creative place. Probably because of the mixture of cultures as well. But it was just something about looking on the back of records. Again, it always goes back to legacy. And I was always curious about most of the people on the back of the records, who are the musicians who are the writers, I just developed a love of that. And I had a talent in it from a young age. Obviously, my mum and dad were horrified by that. Nigeria and you do not become a musician because back then it wasn’t a days of Jay Z and Rihanna. It was like you’re gonna be a vagabond? What the hell you got to be a doctor, lawyer engineer. And that’s that so
they had their path mapped out for you and you just go like totally again.

Yeah, I mean, that’s why I went to university I was almost stalling for time going to university because I thought I just need that one break but if I can sell records and show my dad good all he cared about his money, if I can show him like this, and we can make money in this. He’s all right. You know, I mean, so we did that with the boys mind and tears like we had body group made so much money in my first we want to make the money was property. That’s why I’m glad about having my dad as a role model. Because a lot of other kids like me around and doing UK garage, they went out and bought gold and champagne and the cars and all the typical stuff that you do when you’re working class lad. But for me, my first forte is when I make money, I’ve got an investment property. So my parents are proud of that moment
that that’s, that’s a gift really, that a lot of people don’t hear. It’s certainly not something either great family network, but they were never business minded. They were property investors. I made a hell of a lot of money in my 20s. But I didn’t make the right investments. And I did the gold and the cars. Yeah. And I wasted all that.

What was your wife? You don’t mind me asking? Why was your wine.

I just I just had a drive from a young age that I just wanted to protect my mum. Off council estate, I used to listen to my mom quiet safe to sleep every night. And from a young age, it was like I’m gonna become a millionaire. Wow. And then I did that. But I was like, I was lost in the process. And I had all of this money. And I had great business. But I had no direction. I had no guidance. I had no real mentor next to me saying you should put it into practice. Yeah. Rather than just making money, you need to manage the money, you need to multiply the money. And eventually I lost the money. Luckily, today, I’m back on top. And I definitely want to hear more of that story. And it feels it feels amazing for sure. But but my joy
to hear that story. tell you why. Because for me, someone almost is only successful when they’ve gone through what you’ve just said, you’ve gone through June. I mean, that’s sort of almost like the second time in the trenches, and I’m like you’ve definitely got something Well, I think it’s important that if people are tuning into this now and they’ve had some type of adversity, or they’re going through some some shit right now and things aren’t good for them. You’re just one decision away. You’re one product away. You’re one idea away one partner away from going down a new path. The most important thing is to keep taking massive action. Yeah. So so so so for me, you know, grew up in poverty, made a hell of a lot of money, lost my money. And through that process, I I became a drug addicts were addicted to cocaine, I went alcoholic. It just started with my mates. You know, couple of little lines in the pub, couple of pints and then before I know it’s every single day, and at that time tray, I had the big house. I had the Lamborghini. I had absolutely everything you could ever wish for. But I had nothing. Were you happy? No. My spirit was gone. My relationships were gone. I was a lost boy scared boy that just didn’t know how to live life. Wow. And for me, I had to go and seek help lucky. Luckily, it was September 25 2011. It was my last Use up of cocaine and alcohol. I’m in my apartment. It’s 630 in the morning, and More money’s like a wounded animal. And I have this vision pop up. And it’s my little girl. And it’s my little boy, Ido and Charlie, and they scream at me. Bad, bad, please don’t die when you stopped doing drugs. And I called my friend will who was part of cocaine anonymous. And he would been trying to reach out to me, and I caught him sobbing like a baby. And I knew this was I’m literally I am going to die unless something divine steps. And I just said, I’m willing to do whatever you asked me to do. Wow. And I met him the next day. And he gave me a big book of Alcoholics Anonymous, orange, big highlighter pen. And we started to go through the big book. And he took me to these things called meetings with other nut jobs, alcoholics, addicts, I’ve actually been to that a friend. I find it fascinating. Yeah. So we went there. And then I went on the journey, and I’m here today. 12 years, no alcohol, no cocaine, so and, you know, frightening business, you know, 47 members of staff, you know, multi million pound turnover property deals, get to now hang out with great people like yourself, wow. So I feel that through difficult times, is where you get your biggest growth 100% You just don’t know what’s around the corner. And what a lot of people do is they just give up and they accept. That’s the way it is. And I would just urge anyone here to go you know what, don’t accept the status quo. Get around good people, hang out with people get some ideas and just go for it. Yeah, absolutely. You know, it’s funny, actually, thanks for sharing that. As it’s moving. For me. That’s always that moved me more than talking about Ferraris and stuff like that. Those things are fine. But it’s the stories of resilience that moves me. But I actually coined the term for that, because I coach, tons of people. I call that pain juice. Now, if you notice, some of the people that have really made the biggest difference in this world have gone through pain, whether it’s your Mandela’s we’ve watched 2527 years in prison, your Oprah was molested and went through all sorts of hell, your 50 cents Curtis Jackson, it was shot nine times. Like, when you look at the people that really inspire people, they’ve gone through that. So anyone that’s going through this listening, the hard times is what’s making you because you notice that right? You had success, I had the same thing, you know, number three record and lots of money and blah, blah, blah was miserable. I mean, fair enough, maybe, understandably so because I was unwell. But I learned pretty quickly that those things don’t make you happy like you and I must know a lot of rich people are miserable. Yeah, you know, behind the scenes. But yeah, they had no purpose. Right. Yeah. But just know if you’re listening for this, and you’re going through those hard times. That’s the bit that’s going to make you welcoming.

What was it like for you, you know, with the records with the fame? That’s something you enjoyed at that time? Did you did you? Did you embrace it? Did you rebel against it? What was I
it’s funny, because my heroes and my focus was on people on the back of records. I wasn’t a big fan of fame. I just wanted, and everyone just assumes that everyone wants to be famous. But some people don’t. Yeah, because it comes with its own headache and responsibility. So obviously, I was in the band with my brother, then we had a singer as well. But the problem is we have success, especially so quickly. And the boys man was our first hit record, but it was a bootleg. So we never managed to get it license. But a groove was our first official record. And in a bat in in a way it was bad day, it was so big, because we didn’t get a chance to build up. Sure. I mean, have a number 40 record number 22. Number 16. Number four mature, it was just bad. The Oh my God. And that comes a bit on issues because I was 25 I’m not who I am now, do you not I mean, I’m not the mature person I am now. So when you have success like that, you’re not necessary equipped to handle it. Because you’ve gone from being a nobody on Monday. You know, especially that is trying to cheer up girls, for instance, by Tuesday. And when you’re chatting up is interested. Yeah. Because they know you are and it messes with you. Because you easily get into anything. You’re bigger than what you are. But you’re not you’re nothing. And I like that we are nothing really we’re just we’re just servants when nothing. But when you have success like that, you can easily let it go to your head and it could do one of two things, you have an inflated opinion of yourself, or you want to hide. Now my brother definitely went fully into the hype category. He never wanted to be famous. But a problem is the label wanted me the singer my brother to be front of center, because we kind of looked good. They were desperate for it. And we all went along with it. My brother hated it to the point that made them unwell. I was a bit pragmatic thinking I’m not a fan of being famous. But let’s just carry on at least somewhere and a singer had our own ideas. So there’s a lot of tension in it to success often breeds tension, but the same time you’re trying to show a brave face to everyone, but it isn’t what it seems. And not only that it’s the music business. I mean, it’s one track great well, you’re successful, you know, the next month you’re back to being broke again. So you got all of this stuff going on. So it wasn’t ever something where I thought I wonder be famous because fame seemed like it came with a heavy burden. You’re not left alone. Everyone knows you people assume something about you. Plus, not only that, I generally think fame amplifies the core of who you are. And at time i was a broken, scared, sick young man. So in a way, I’m then thinking, I’ve got a done deal with this. And I wasn’t equipped at the time to do it, because I was just trying to survive day by day. So fame for me, never been into it. It’s literally only now, you know what changed? Because obviously, I know you’ve been through some big stuff over the last few years. And then you’ve now just appeared on one of the biggest TV shows. And you’ve been catapulted again into the public eye. So what what’s changed? What happened before the apprentice and what made you go on The Apprentice?

So what changed for me was pretty much your story. Like you’re not doing what you’re doing and doing this podcast, everything you’ve built, just to make more money. You know, it’s like it’s been miserable for you. You’re doing it because you want to make a difference. And you notice that feeling when you’ve made a difference? That trumps any Bugatti any anything. You don’t mean, you can’t find that feeling of someone coming to you and saying, Because of you, my life is like this. And that’s what changed for me. You know, 25 years old did body groovier. Later, we had so many money, which did all right. And I just got more and more sick. And it got to the point where I got so sick. You remember I said about jumping off a building? I remember DJing at a club called Sugar hut, a bar called Sugar heart and Brentwood. No, Fuller. Okay, so little bar. I don’t think it’s there anymore. I remember DJing there and then these massive stack of speakers behind me. And by then I had quite severe tinnitus. Tinnitus was the only thing I knew what it was tinnitus, the de realisation, this strange dream thing. I didn’t know what it was and the head pressure I didn’t know. So I’d got so bad of all of these symptoms, thinking, I don’t have tomorrow, I don’t care. So Digitas place part of me knew it’s probably not a good idea to DJ in front of big speakers like that. But I did it anyway, because I didn’t care. I woke up the next day deaf. And just like you when you had that one moment where you saw your kids, right? I had that moment where it’s like a tree been saying for a long time jumping off a building? Are you going to do it? And in that moment, it’s when you make that choice. And I remember thinking, while I’m Catholics, I’m screwed. Because I can’t do that being a Catholic, right? I can’t do that to my parents as well. And it’s just not me. My decision to want to jump at the burden was a problem. Pragmatic choice, but I loved life. So I’m like, No, I’m gonna get on the internet. Right by now. It’s 2008. I think I set you free. And every time I go on the internet before, I never found anything, it was just a waste of my time, if I’m not getting off it until I find answers. So imagine this is the day after I’ve deja I’m totally deaf, my tinnitus is 10 times worse. And I’m at my wit’s end like on the internet’s chromosome, my goodness. And I remember finding a podcast from someone called starch up something like that. And she described that symptom saying, everyday, it feels like I’m dreaming, like being gone, because I finally got the word derealization depersonalization disorder. And once I got that, I pieced it back when I was 15. And I was paralyzed. What happened was of post traumatic stress disorder, that sometimes your brain is so stressed with what’s going on it disassociated from the trauma, and my brain never trusted my body to let me back in if that makes sense. So once I pieced it all together, like aren’t dealing with an anxiety disorder fine. So treat that such deep breathing meditation a bit like stuff you’d probably do on your retreat, like the whole mind body thing. And the head pressure disappeared within a week, which was like a miracle. The tinnitus didn’t. But I learned to cope with it. The dualization just became normal for me, because it wasn’t scary anymore. I got it, right. I’m disassociated. It’s fine. But I made the decision that moment, no one else is going to suffer. And I mean, I love that. And that’s what I mean when you go through stuff like that if you don’t use that in order to serve other people. So the minute I did that all the other decisions about I don’t want to be famous. I don’t want to do that went out the window footrace about you anymore, I don’t care. It’s one of the first thing I started to do. And all my friends asked me when I decided to do this, as I write tinnitus, the amount of people that would talk to me about tinnitus, like DJs and musicians, because in my industry, one first pretends to have got it, but it all scared, scared of everything, right? The insecure industry entertainment. So they’re all suffering with tinnitus. I thought I’m gonna go on TV and talk about this. And this was before mental health became trendy, especially for men. So I’d go on to even talk about it and at firstly, I did feel like a bit in the video, I won’t lie. I felt a bit like you know, when you described how I’ve been on The Apprentice, really what you’ve seen is authenticity. Yeah. So if I’m gonna go and be authentic on TV in front of everyone, and the more I did it, the more I got comfortable with being in front of cameras, because I’m like, It’s not about me. I don’t care. If someone hears me talking about my journey or talking about tinnitus, talking about getting through life don’t like a jump off a building that might help someone. They may not have taken my path, I could save a life. Once you have a choice of fame, and all your concerns around it, and impact in potentially millions of life. There’s no choice at that point. Yeah, I’m gonna do it. And that’s how you’re famous.

It’s about getting your message out there. Serving People say, Well, yeah, and if you get known for that, then great, fine. Yeah, that’s the way it’s about time the apprentices come over come round. Last year, January, February, what was it that really made you and my brothers, my brother’s death was one of the biggest catalysts. So he died in 2020. February, he died from suspected COVID. But I will say he actually died from being a single man. And it might sound weird when I say that, right? So single men are some of the most vulnerable people, especially single middle aged men, because men tend to not really take care of themselves in the way women do. Men don’t share men don’t open up in all this toxic masculinity of man up and take it some men don’t talk much the amount of men that I know that have passed away because they haven’t taken that lump in their belly serious, or that strange sensation in their throat or in my brother’s case, the fact that he can walk from there to there about not being able to grieve, John, I mean, he almost died from neglect a little bit. So that was one of my things. I was like, I can’t save him. But the more I talk about this, like one of the first thing I do after he dies is we had this thing on clubhouse called mad enough where we would have talks about relationships from a men’s point from a man’s point of view, because you don’t really get that much in society. And just to have all these men that are sharing vulnerably about their lives about German divorce and what they’ve been through a mental health because that’s men need to do that. Yeah, you know, the days of us men trying to pretend that we’ve got all together gone, women are 10 times more resilient than men. Yeah, 10 times more. And as men need to own up to that what is it that women do to us men don’t do and I would say one of them is to share they talk or trust you know, equal, so my brother died. And I’ve done this clubhouse room talking about men and what men gone through. I did a lot of personal development which I’m sure you’ve done. I’ve done a ton of it in my life. I’d get on stage and share guys. When my brother died I tell you this quick story and I want blubber over to my to my brother I end up crying my bloody eyes. I’m not gonna do it this time. But when the police found these bodies body cam, I probably will in that play because his body was there for a couple of days before we found him so hard talking about this. Right? He told me if you could Yeah, it’s fine. I don’t mind I’m one of these men will cry a lot. I don’t care what anyone thinks about me because it’s just authentic. So anyway, they found I basically got called that my brother had passed away.

My dad had called me he was crying his eyes out and I drew my that my dad’s age don’t cry. So I knew it was something serious. He kept saying your brother’s gone. I rushed around to to his flat went up there in a police won’t let me see him and I was so deluded in my grief and shock are saying I get he’s gone. But let me just speak to him before he goes weird, right? They’re like, No, you can’t see him like this. But he said to me, you’ve got this mail that’s been sent, and it was his passport. And my brother had plan to go and record a music video in New York. But of course, he died before he got the chance to even his passport. So after he passed away, and I was doing a lot of self development stuff. I remember getting on stage and saying I told him the same story said, guys, you guys think you’ve got tomorrow. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. All of you people holding stuff against your parents or this one or that one, make peace for them because you could be gone. You know before something happens. It’s a bit of a cliche live your life now, when you lose someone like that I didn’t get to say goodbye to him. I’m like, guys live your life now. So all of that stuff after my brother’s death, I released body group and he’s on I was doing so much stuff. It just kind of led me to this. I really need to aid to a product. That’s why I’m really into like wellness as well. That has people look at their health and their body just like I had to go on that journey of my own body. Like I couldn’t save my brother but maybe there’s someone else I can save either maybe through nutrition and all stuff that you and I do or just through the messaging of in people hearing us talk like this, there’s something coming at me I’ve been ignoring this for years or I’ve been no I’m gonna go and do something about it. All of that culminated in last year Jan. My wife was talking to me about our you’ve always talked about products and wellness and things like that. And she’d somehow seen the apprentice auditions and said why not? And obviously the old me popped up so we figured Israeli TV I’m not bloody doing Are you joking? Because the old me straightaway and I don’t want to be on TV. I don’t to be famous. That’s like my default thing for all of the ego reasons and all the other reasons now might look like an idiot blah, blah. But um, I thought about well, you know, what, if I can go on TV talking about tinnitus and derealization and mental health and men? Why can I go on The Apprentice? It’s not love Island. No disrespect to love Island guys. But it is a business show. Yes, entertainment, there’s still a huge opportunity to heal at the end. It’s a project again, I love wellness. I’m passionate about it. I could talk for England, and we’ll thent ik in what I’m talking about. I’m not just oh, let me go on TV because you wouldn’t go on The Apprentice. If you just want to be on TV. Maybe someone does, but I don’t know. And then I get a chance to be in front of my childhood hero. It’s like I thought gee, you know, why not? Even though we’ll get married that year, I my mum and dad’s carer they’ve got Parkinson’s disease. There’s all of these reasons why it’s probably not a good idea to go on by foot. You know what? It feels uncomfortable to do this exactly. Why do you know that feeling when it’s uncomfortable, you know is exactly what you should be doing. If it’s comfortable. Don’t Do be uncomfortable do it, which is what I say to people launch that business. Tell someone you love him, ask someone to marry you go for it. If it’s uncomfortable, it’s probably the right thing. And if you fell great because you don’t fail, you learn. So there you go for and I auditioned and I thought audition probably got through 10s and 10s of 1000s of people. Oh, yeah. 80,000 people apparently you make it into the final people that go on the show. People asked what is Alan? Lord sugar like?

Lord sugar like is exactly what you expect him to be really? Yeah. And he’s old school as well, which I like, because it’s almost like an EP, some people might find it a bit contentious what I’m going to say but because I’m older as well, in our days, it was quite brutal, isn’t it? I’m not saying he’s brutal. But I’m saying there’s people that generation tells it like it is. I think people have gotten softer now. Yeah, but he’s just a straight talker. Right? Like she like she doesn’t like he doesn’t like if he doesn’t like you, you better figure out real quickly, why not? And you better not, like, do things for him. But you better show the most authentic side of you. And I recognize that straightaway. Not that he didn’t like me. But the idea of me probably was not used to it. I’m the first musician has ever been on that show. And its history. 20 odd years, and 18 series. I’m old, I was 14 when I did it. So everything said to me last week is probably gonna be looking at you thinking what’s going on there. So I couldn’t rely on just trying to be this cool guy. Because he’s not going to buy it. I don’t think he’d listen to body groups. He doesn’t care, stuff like that. I had to literally rely on performing. And that’s why it was in a way challenging a little bit because other people probably could rely on getting by on this is it like a pressure cooker absolutely a week after week, after week, and you in that house and you have contact with the outside world now. So if you go in it, even your watch is gone. If we’re taking your watch, you know everything else is gone, like your phone is the first thing gone, because you can’t be Googling and you can’t have any outside help. So people who watch everything either will fit they’re not if I took everything from you, gave you hardly any sleep getting up at four o’clock in the morning. And we’ve got a new task like say, cheese cakes, I hate food tasks. For instance, I’m giving you a dossier. You’ve got 20 minutes to absorb a whole dossier about an industry you know nothing about you can’t google you can’t find a friend can’t ask the audience, you’re gonna look a bit rubbish on you. And then whilst you’re there, obviously certain things that happen that add to it, and you’ve got certain restriction in terms of what you can use. But I love that. When you’ve gone through what I’ve gone through, and probably what you’ve gone through, you can you can relate to it. Nothing’s as bad as tiller. dualization.

You embraced. week in week out, you showed up? How did you find the relationship with the other contestants?

Fairly easy for me? Because I’m a mindset coach. Okay, great. And because I was older, yeah. Now traditionally on that shoulder, people don’t tend to do that well on it. I don’t know why that is. I haven’t analyzed it. Why? I mean, there’s probably a lots of reasons maybe when you get older, maybe you are a bit more set in your ways. You work your own way. Maybe you get irritated by younger people, maybe the young people ostracize you, I don’t know. But in my situation, being older meant that I’ve had enough experience with people. And if you’re in entertainment, you’ve had the worst people to actually analyze. So I’ve become very good in terms of my emotional intelligence, my people intelligence, I can suss someone out. But because I I’d like to think I’m a very authentic person. I wasn’t all about me. I’ll ask you about you. Great. I really got to know everyone really well. I mean, it was so bad. They said to me, we’re not bad. But they said to me on the audition, try your coach. Do not coach anyone in the house. They’re your competition. them and I’ve got enough coaching everyone hopes in your DNA. It’s in you is equal got no younger than me. They’ll go through all sorts of stuff. Maybe something was said in the boardroom. They didn’t like or a task or pressured or missing a loved one. I was coaching everyone’s I think I formed a very close bond with with with people in their thing is your fault, forming a close bond. But maybe that’s not the same for everyone because it is a competition. Yeah. And you are trying to win. I assume everyone wants to win.

So does it does someone those relationships not get tense on time? No, because a trick and this is a trick everyone that got that this process is a psychological process. Did Well, excellent. Everyone that thought it was just business or it was about them and their ego went okay, there we go. It’s as simple as that. Yeah. So I knew winning meant when and how, as part of a team, with some people thought winning was maybe trying to impress or Excel on their own. It’s not good, why you’ll get an investment from one of the sharpest minds in the UK as far as I’m concerned. I know. I’m a big logical fan, but he’s one of the sharpest minds in the UK. You don’t get to be a billionaire through notes, s&p Miller. So it’s not just about you winning, he’s looking at you thinking are you going to be my business partner? So some people win and maybe be a bit arrogant with it? Or some people are obviously more maybe a bit about themselves, because I hadn’t learned this is a team process with me. The team thing is by default with me anyway, because I love people winning. That’s by default. Even if you’re my competition. I want you to be the best version of yourself. Partly because it’s just who I am. But partly I want a real competition. I don’t want you to miss out on time. I want you to really come at me with everything you’ve got right So for me, I sucked a lot of that stuff out. So it almost became a pleasurable experience rather than a tent tent. Oh my God and my competition because I was always like, Trey, you’re gonna get to the final five. Just be you. Yeah, I never had that right. I knew that I knew that I knew deep down and when I thought other people in the house who tried to get to get to the final five hardly any of them ever said me. And my the old me ego would have been triggered. How do you don’t see me as a sport? Fair enough? It doesn’t matter. people’s opinion of you means nothing. What do you think of being what you willing to do you see of
them certainly grew in the process for sure has a real pleasure to watch for you. What was one of your highlights?

On the show? Was it a task? Was it a certain thing that happened? What was one of your biggest highlights? Um, there were few for me, I think from a task point of view, a highlight for me, I’ve got a few of them. One of the best ones for me was formula formula. Yeah, okay. Because I remember when I first saw the cars, I just love cars. Like when I was going through my encyclopedia, and I was a car obsessive. I was obsessed with cars. When I was about seven or eight I wanted to create my own internal combustion engine. That’s how much of a nerd I was like kids want to play with cars. I’m trying to work out how do I build an engine and I worked out okay, you got four stroke engines to shut engines me make a two stroke engine. And let me make it have a tin can cuz it looks like a piston is like one of those level nerdy kids. But when I sort of cars like this show me, and then they moved flow and pull over to the other team, and they will always seem quite strong character really strong characters, actually. And I think in that moment, everyone thought these guys are underdogs. Then we’ll move to win and the minute you make me an underdog, you’re in trouble. You’re in trouble. I don’t think anyone realized that the minute you make an underdog, you are in trouble. Because life has already tried to mess with me. Like come on. I’ve dealt with life and death. So you want to make me you want to bet against me. You now get this pain juice, right? So the minute that happened, I was like, right I was I’ve got to be paying for this Kunal wanted that gig. I was like, I’m all over this. But it was just that episode, I think showcased everything. For me like if you were to say one episode showcase everything about me, the apprentice had me in a leadership position, but leading, not dictating generally lead in the team. What do you think? Which is why even in negotiation I’m like Rachel went for she’s way better than me at negotiation, put your best team forward. But some people think I’m the pm I’ve got everything, none other than I want to win as a team who’s best in this position you right? Do this, do that. showcase that the teamwork, but it also showcase me as a leader? What do you do when life throws lemons at you? In our case, the lemons were very bad advert, we got bad advert from our sub team. And my wife and I can always spend something into a positive way because I’m very positive no matter how lousy everything looks. I can look at it positively. And I remember taking what I was given, not much I could do about the logo, but I still spun it a little bit. But the worst one we had, did you watch that one? Yeah. Did Yeah. You know, we had the pristine, beautiful oceans and rivers and God knows what I was thinking, guys, we need to show these sponsors, how bad things are taking give us money. I didn’t have to switch on his head. I thought I know. Rather than to pay this video at the front of the pitch. Let me pay it halfway through. So I paid the video. And I said to everyone, we’re not there yet. They mean in this pristine world. But with your help. And we’ve your sponsorship on this car, maybe we can be so became a much more emotive there. And that’s what people so everyone comes up to me and talks about for me the way he did that pitch, oh my god, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it was just the ability to do that. And again, that came because of what I’ve gone through in my life. I became so authentic. That picture like that was so real for me. I wasn’t pretending it was real.

Like we could see in the moment. Pure Power, passion energy. Yeah, you’re a natural public speaker.
But you know where that came from, as well. You I mean, you teach public speaking. When you publicly speak you can’t be located here where you are. You have to be with them, the audience everything I do, and it’s not about me, you’re nothing. It’s about them. When people come to me say, oh my god boy group, I’m like, thank you because that song is your song, not my song. The creativity just flew through for me and my brother flowed through us. For you, it’s yours. And when you get this service, turn and speak to people in the audience, I’m speaking to you at eye contact. Moving on to the next person is short. That episode had all of it. And of course she had the comedy in the boardroom and 30 us body groove and I never in my wildest dream fired her body groove in a boardroom of The Apprentice. I mean, if someone said one day he was gonna play in the boardroom and you’re probably like well is is that comic relief or something? It’s bad see the bear sat on the side. But no, it’s a real episode it had everything in it and of course had the record breaking element the 38 point 7 million which I didn’t even know happen until I watched it with my family and friends. I didn’t even know what record breaking so everything about that was just like it summed up what I sound to achieve by going on that show you I mean to show Lord sugar but I’m not just some random music person. Some has been kind of go when he thought he saw This guy is actually really, really good, getting good feedback to be authentic vulnerably. So, Jeremy to lead the team, and to leave a lasting legacy because you know, I talk about creating a legacy that reverberates through time. That’s what that is to have a record breaking wind to be so passionate to be the first musician on the show.

There are lots of things that I think will reverberate through time, because it was different than what most people expected. That’s easily my favorite one. What 100% You have definitely will inspire many people to go and apply to that. Yeah, there’s people out there now that say slightly more mature, they’re not and they were like, you know, what, if traded it exactly I can go and you know that right? Cuz you’re like me, you like to inspire people, you know, it breaks my heart more than anything. People who have reasons excuse for why they can’t do it. And there’s so much about it might be age, I mean, I know people look at me think you don’t look 49 But I am 49. So how many other 50 euros, 49 euros, middle aged people who think I’m past my bear. So it’s all about the kids now know, what is the gift you’ve got to give to the world because I want it, there’s only so much I can do you can do but it’s gonna be someone sat at home and think I’m past my best. If they shake that off, and go out there, they’re gonna serve someone to make a difference. You know, that’s what it is for me. Sure to be that figure that inspires people. And I get it all the time on the streets out there. It was like, Trey, you inspire me and blah, blah, blah. Also, even like young black boys, for instance, who, you know, it’s like I grew up with a hero of my dad’s I was very lucky, I didn’t have this sense of being black. Therefore, it’s harder. I had it the opposite. I was like, my dad did, I’m going to do it, there was no, but are still people who think if they don’t see someone, it looks like them and they’ve got a perception of being a minority, or even just been working class, like you said, it’s not for me, but it is to be that light for them. I don’t care what you think about yourself, you are great. And you don’t get to play small. Because studies always show at the end of people’s lives, people will regret what they didn’t do know what they did. So I don’t care what you think is possible or not, you are bloody great. You go out there and do that. Right. That’s why your story inspires and you know, you’re certainly a man on a mission and we’re going to touch on a couple of points in a minute. And we’re going to talk about the importance of wellness. And obviously, we both agree that everyone should at least have a go at public speaking hundreds and not necessarily to get on huge stages. But to communicate Yeah, to believe in yourself to be more powerful. I think speaking skills is something which every speech change my life, right? Yeah. Like, honestly, like becoming a speaker has changed my life. And I believe it’s one of the most important skills I do agree, you know, and everyone needs to learn, you know, it’s one of the biggest fears speaking well, they say in America rates, the people would rather die than public. So in the UK, it’s about third, something like that.

You imagine that’s insane. It’s insane. And it’s just being yourself and being yourself. But also being okay with some of the physiological responses to dry mouth and the butterflies to get a physiological response. So what So I train a lot of people like coaches, just accept it. And I mean, it’s like, I don’t know if your stomach stomach rumbling. It’s just rambling. Yeah. People give it meaning. And that little voice Ned’s saying, Oh my God, they’re gonna love you. That’s why I believe God and make a fool of yourself. Get over that bit. Let go of the ego look stupid. looks silly. Practice, practice. But then you’ll get to the point. Now you and me were so passionate. I just don’t care. Yeah, you’ve got a message that I want. Someone will hate about you the very thing someone else loves about you. That’s the reality. So we’re going to talk about your your next step and what life looks like and what is the next thing for you. We’ve just had the widow announced, did the right person when the apprentice I’m going to be biased and say yes, of course, because Rachel was my favorite person to work with but had a good relationship and massively.

You’d had a real good, massive, we were so connected, that I could speak to her about actually opening my mouth. I could just give her a look. She know I meant because when we work together, I had the creative passionate side locked down. She had a lot of the negotiating or corporate side locked down we were formidable you couldn’t beat us. And even when teams beat us they might have beat the other half a the sub team but not us. Like Budapest is an example of that our tool was better than the other teams but ourselves let us down. So Rachel, for me is someone that I just worked with great but what I loved about Rachel more than probably anyone else is that girl is almost too humble. I spotted Owen I think it was tasked to and I remember her the the briefcases sub team leader briefcase, and I laughed. She thought I’d laugh at her because I thought she was rubbish by laughter because I thought if she isn’t acquisition, Felicia I believe was the leader of the team entirely. And looked at as boys and boys will be laughing and joking and blah, blah foot we’re screwed. I just noticed Rachel from literally tossed to yeah on it. And because she didn’t blow our own trumpet people like that and more dangerous.

I’ve got to say like, she was almost like, unnoticeable but noticeable throughout the whole thing. Yeah, yeah. She was almost like, where did that come from? Yeah. I think she was just there, but you don’t notice how he did so well. Do you notice that in life people like that almost always are the best? Yeah, they always say empty vessels make the loudest noises, right? So people always give it the bigger I decide that normally they’re not, but a quiet ones. But I’ve got this poise about them. Nobody wants to watch because those ones will annihilate you because they had just digital focus. And she’s one of the most focused people I’ve ever met in my life. She was so focused with a joy to work with. So to answer your question, absolutely. Do I think the right person? And if but, but Phil is also a worthy? Runner up? 100%?
Well, I think he made it into the final no one else has made it in the final that had been in a losing team. So something like that nine. Yeah. And then he almost goes, actually, he was very good in almost all of his tasks as well. Yeah.

I would say other than me, what, why just asked me this. Why, why in that scenario, why did teams lose their tasks? Was there a common thing happening every week? As to why people were losing? I was
gonna say that something about Phil is his level of resilience was similar to me. And I think the reason why some teams were losing was I think people kind of taken the eye off the ball in terms of winning as a team playing as a team, people would kind of go off and try and do their own thing. And they weren’t focused as a team. I mean, a good example of that is Nora blesser. Although in her defense, there are some stuff that you didn’t see. So sugar said, Nora is going to be PM, and you can’t help her. And I think no interpreters that as I’ve got shine on my own, when I would have interpreted that as if we win as a team. We’re all good. So I think that’s one of the things and that’s why I think you saw some of the more slightly older people maybe do well, slightly mature people do well, you know, the people sort of north of 30 tended to do better, because there was that sense of getting the psychological nature of it, as well as the business side, and therefore the team sides. Even Phil, when he lost, he was never necessary responsible for the failure of the task. And he was so resilient, he was good at fighting his corner. I think that’s what it was why people lost there just it definitely seems like I’m sure you can confirm a route or process is the hardest thing I’ve ever done well, other than by the surviving some of the conditions I have. But in terms of like, life task is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Because as resilient as I am, you’re still up against it. Once you go into a process. Everything that’s comfortable for you is gone. Like for instance, tinnitus hasn’t bothered me for years. But on those first couple of days in Scotland, I couldn’t sleep I didn’t sleep for about five days. Because suddenly I’m out of my comfort zone don’t have my phone can’t speak to my fiancée. I’m in a quiet room in a quiet country like you know, Scottish kind of Highlands. dead silent compared to living in the centre of London. So suddenly, my tinnitus is screaming, I’ve got all these thoughts of why you here. What if you go home first people gonna laugh at you. The psychological test of that is definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But at the same time, I relish it. And I think that’s probably what made me so formidable as a contestant is because I relished it so much, which for some people is their first taste of that, or they’ve never had that level of intensity with unlike my whole life is getting up towards that. So that level. Yeah, because I’ve gone through all of this stuff already. You know, I mean, yeah, I think yeah, the losing came from people not being that psychologically ready. Some of it was a little bit of luck. But I do think what you saw in the final five was, was the best, the best I would, I would probably say, yeah. And I know some people think you’re filming people got stuff to say about Phil, but Phil still has a great business. Don’t build a business like that. If you you know, you haven’t got a success stick takes opportunity. Yeah, at the end of the day, everyone’s actually served to be there. So
you’ve been on The Apprentice. You’re now here at the dealmaker podcast. Yes. You love
this, by the way, do a proper set. I love this. But be honest. I’ve had my podcast, you know, for years now. It’s been a geek, and it’s been great. And sometimes you don’t know who’s listening. And I’ll be honest, sometimes I’m like, Am I doing the right thing? I’ve got to do that podcast, or I got to provide that bit of content. And then I’m at one of my events, and someone says your podcast has changed my life. And I’m like, Thank you, I realize why I do what I do. So to have someone like you on the show, what’s next for Trey? What’s your plans for next, you know, one or two years? What do you want to do? What’s your message? And also once you do that, could you just share people tuning into their people that want to be property investors, entrepreneurs, they want to get to that next level. Could you just share some final thoughts? One or two tips?

Absolutely. Least. So what’s next? For me? It’s a couple of things. I’m generally in free areas. It’s either sort of wellness coaching. I’m in music, and I’m in property like yourself. So from a property point of view, I was just chatting to you earlier about my dad’s situation. So he’s got this portfolio which has no mortgage it’s pretty substantial. So I’m looking forward to rejigging all of that. Yeah, because when you’ve got money that’s money that’s in the bank or money that’s locked up in property that’s not working for you is dead, and you know, you and I know money should be working. At the very least you should be making a little bit more than inflation. Yeah. When I’m talking about rural inflation, What the What is it now? 3.5%? Wherever it might, oh, I think it’s coming. Yeah, it’s you. And I know real inflation is somewhere around 10% or more when you look at things we buy every day. So trying to beat that inflation. So I’m excited about that we’re going to be reinvested in property, potentially creating the property fund as well, which is a good thing to do, she got bigger pot to invest in and just diversifying, you know, I’ve got a couple of rent to rent that, okay, that all that sort of stuff. And it’s so much more property strategies than the traditional stuff, because all of us, my family were traditional landlords, but there’s a lot of exciting stuff out there. So doing that on the one side, with the family, which is good. From the kind of wellness coaching point of view, definitely looking forward to launching a product. And what’s good about being in the final five people think is just grueling. You’re getting a semester in from the interviews. But what you’re getting is one of the best education that money can buy, really, you got four of the greatest minds telling you, your business plan is crap. And let me tell you why. So you can then come out and pivot a little bit, Jeremy.

Yeah. So even based on that feedback, there’s lots of different things that I’m looking at doing. I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but that’s exciting as well, because I love things like nutrition and wellness. I mean, I didn’t share I had I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2017. And I remember saying to the doctor at the time I was I was actually in hospital crime eyes I called one of my best friends. Um, Sarah Jane. She’s like a well known broadcaster, who she then caught at the hospital, given him a bullet because I’m talking about operating me only went in there like randomly, it was Valentine’s Day, like what a horrible bloody Valentine’s Day. And I remember call my Sarah like, sir, I can’t cope with this. Anyway, I said to the doctors, the next time you test me, you won’t find any sign of inflammation, because I had an inflamed Ilian, which is part of your intestine. So I literally went into nutrition, like changed my gut flora. I did. I mean, sickening amount of work on my nutrition and gut flora and all that sort of stuff. And I reversed it, which is why I know that wellness and things like functional shots work, because I’m not a believer in pharmaceuticals, you can imagine I’ve tried every, every one of them on my wellness journey. So that’s something I’m really passionate about. Now. It’s just looking at how I deliver it was functional shot powder, all this other different ways of delivering it, right. So that’s another thing I’m excited about. And then for me also in the coaching space, everyone keeps asking me, Trey, how are you so resilient on that program? Please teach me well, the number one thing is training. How do you speak so eloquently so passionately, publicly, like what you do? So I want to create an online platform that teaches this stuff because people say to me, Trey, you’re so charismatic, and I’m like, I was a sick kid who had no friends. The charisma is something you can you know, you can learn some of this, how by being authentic, once you lean into authenticity, and be yourself authentically charisma flows, because people find it easier to be with you because you’re just being real. And you can teach some of that skill, right? So that’s everything I’m doing. It’s just so much exciting stuff, from property to wellness, great. Not so much music anymore, but I still release music, but that’s more of a bit of a hobby now, rather than my main focus.
Great. Well, it sounds like you’re gonna be one busy guy. It sounds like you’ve got a real good plan ahead of you. You got to do even better than what you’re all I know that and I’m so excited. I’m really pleased that we’re sitting there’s a lot of synergy between us. final message for people tuning in to inspire them and motivate them to change.

Please, guys, I will say one thing and you heard me actually earlier you must found find out what your why is your purpose or isn’t that today, wherever you call it? You must get sense of why that me my new Why is definitely my brother’s death. I mean, I’ve always had why’s my whole life but now more than anything my brother’s death has taught me we don’t have tomorrow it’s not guaranteed. So you must get present your Why? Why do you want to do it? You know? Is it for your family? Is it for yourself? Is it for your kids, your y has to be stronger than your fear. The fear is always gonna be there to fear of running out of money being laughed at, it’s not going to work. I can’t leave my nine to five job. I can’t do this. So I can’t afford your course all that fear is nonsense. What is your purpose, let that be strong. Once you’ve got it, find someone like yourself or like me, you know, your mentors. There’s a ton of help out there that we didn’t have when we were young. Find someone good at someone can come and do one of your courses. They don’t have to make mistakes, do what you’ve done. You want to make it in property. follow one of your strategies. You want to make it in self development coaching. Hey, come to me. I’ll teach how to be resilient, strong. So find your why find the partner to help you do it. And start today.

Love it. Love it start today. That’s great. It’s well, Trey, thank you so much. Thanks for doing this again for 100%. Well, we’re doing it for sure. Wow, amazing words of wisdom. Just what a lovely genuine, individual super successful wants to go to that next level. I really hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of the podcast. I really want to get my message out there to millions of people. I’m on a man on a mission to help a billion people make manage and multiply their money. So if you could please like share this podcast, it means the algorithm is going to pick it up. It’s going to get In front of more people and Trey and myself and you we can go and make this world a better place remember you are also a dealmaker if I can do it you can do it and I’ll see you on the next episode.


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