The new normal of remote work has brought about a revolution in the way we live and work. As more and more companies start to embrace this trend, employees are now reconsidering their living arrangements. Work-from-home has eliminated the need for commute, opened up the possibility of living further away from the office, and has even changed what people look for in a new home. In this blog post, I explore how remote work has impacted housing preferences and location choices.

Increase in demand for spacious homes and home offices

With remote work becoming more mainstream, working from home has now become a long-term possibility. People have now started searching for homes with space for their home-office or extra rooms or guest bedrooms. The trend has moved towards larger gardens or more communal spaces, making homes ideal for outdoor gatherings and social interactions in case people decide to move away from the city centres for a more peaceful living. People are no longer constrained by location, and remote work has created an opportunity for people to find a home that suits their lifestyle.

A shift away from city living

As remote work gains more acceptance with businesses; employees are no longer tied to the office location, allowing more freedom and flexibility in choosing where they reside. Remote work has enabled people to escape high housing costs and traffic congestion in city centres to more peaceful and affordable communities. Smaller towns and suburbs are rising in popularity with younger people, who want a change from the high-stress urban life. Remote work has made it possible for people to find an affordable, spacious home that might have never been possible before.

Increase in luxury rentals in coastal and mountain towns

Since remote working rids of the need for commute altogether, people are now exploring the country’s vacation spots. Due to this, destinations that were once considered too remote for people are now being launched as thriving centers of culture, community, and upscale amenities. As a result, up-market premium rentals in smaller communities have arisen: mountain towns offering world-class skiing to coastal retreats that attract entrepreneurs and small businesses alike.

Businesses follow the remote working trend

Companies used to operate within a specific area due to logistical needs and talent acquisition. However, with remote work, businesses are now hiring talent from all over the world. As a consequence, companies are now shifting to a distributed work model: opening new offices or branches in remote locations. This trend has created an up-market economy in previously less-desirable locations and consequently a change in community attitudes.

Blurring the lines between work and leisure

With people working from home, the boundary between work and home life has become blurrier than ever. Increased flexibility has allowed a significant relationship between work and leisure time, resulting in a better balance between the two. Many people now value the opportunity to enjoy more outdoor activities, spending time with family, and getting involved in the community.

Remote work has revolutionised lifestyles, tourist attractions, and housing preferences. As we continue to adapt to the new normal, the possibility of remote work makes it far more accessible to people who would have otherwise never had these opportunities. With people no longer constrained by location and businesses changing their operations in line with remote work trends, the housing environment will undoubtedly look much different in the years to come.

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