In this episode, I sit down with Jessen James, a prominent entrepreneur and mentor, to explore the essential traits for sustained business success. We discuss the critical difference between mere interest and unwavering commitment to your goals, tackling the pitfalls of “shiny object syndrome” and the importance of having a clear vision.
Jessen shares invaluable insights on mastering communication and articulation and introduces high-ticket closing—a lucrative career path for skilled communicators and salespeople. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your business, this episode is packed with strategic advice and motivational stories to help you refine your vision, master your sales skills, and truly commit to your entrepreneurial journey.
- The dangers of “shiny object syndrome” and the importance of focus
- Mastering communication and selling skills
- Exploring high-ticket closing as a rewarding career path
- The impact of true commitment versus mere interest on success
What frustrates me is that people bitch and moan about what they’ve got, and actually, if they were to follow a process or a guaranteed system or a blueprint and just show up a few hours a week, yes, in the beginning, it can seem quite daunting and scary, starting your business going down a new path, but it’s actually far easier. It’s easy to blame. It’s much, much more easier to blame than to do something about it. Who are you letting down by being a loser? And I somehow was trying to look to blame how it was the government changing the goalposts and this set and the other and I go. But the reality is, at that time, I was letting my kids down. Everyone, everyone listening to this needs to learn, number one, you need to learn how to communicate and articulate yourself. That is so important. When you have a vision, you then decide what you say yes and no to, because unless it takes you to your vision, you won’t do it. And most people aren’t good at saying no. They just want to say yes to everything, the shiny object syndrome. Why? Because you’re desperate. As a great mentor, what would be your words of inspiration? What can people do today is all about, why do people not finish what they start? Welcome to another edition of the deal maker podcast, and today, oh my goodness, you are in for an absolute treat. I have an incredible, incredible entrepreneur, business owner, highly successful person here in the UK, Mr. Jessen James is in the house. Thanks for having me, and it’s always nice to see you. Always nice to hang out. We’ve done, like, a lot of cool stuff together over we have nearly 10 years now. I’m 43 mate, but I don’t feel it. You’re not, you’re not 43 I’m 43 mates, 4321 but it’s awesome to have you in me. Thank you.
You know, look, business life success is all about ups and downs. But why is it? People do not finish what they start? What is going on with the world? People are moaning and bitching, yeah. And it’s like, as educators and mentors, we want to see people do great. Yes. And sometimes you can give them literally the roadmap, and they start and they don’t finish. What is going on with people? Do you know what? How long have you got this is? This is the thorn in my side, because we’re in an industry. We’re both speakers, we’re both mentors. We want to help people. People go well, like, what does it take to be successful, and 80% of that is showing up. But most people were speaking about this before we started. In my opinion, here’s the here’s the reason, and then we’ll dive into it a bit more. So if you listen to this at home, this is you as well, right? Why don’t you finish what you start? It’s because most people are interested. They’re not committed. That’s the biggest difference. They’re just interested in success. They’re not committed to success. So they see you doing well, Liam, they get all excited. They get all happy. They go, I want to be like, Liam, I want to do this. I want to do that. Blah, blah, blah. They’re interested. And then when they realize what it actually takes, they then suddenly realize that actually I’m just interested or not committed. So they never finish what they start. So that’s why they say there’s 5% of the people are entrepreneurial in the world. I disagree. I think 95% of the population. If you stop any person down the road right now and said, Hey, listen, mate, do you want your Would you like a business, work hours that you want, make as much money as you like, have so much free time, travel the world, do what you want, be family. Who’s gonna say no? Everyone will go, Yeah, boss, reduce your hours travel the world, right? They’ll say, Yes, right? Then they realize what they’ve actually got to do. And that’s what that’s why 95% of the population actually would love to be entrepreneurial. Only 5% do the bloody work. And you just got me like thinking about something. What would the world be like if everyone was a business owner? Because you also need the people to be employed as well, don’t you? Right? There’s got, there’s got to be balance, right?
There’s got to be balance. But what frustrates me is that people bitch and moan about what they’ve got, and actually, if they were to follow a process or a guaranteed system or a blueprint and just show up a few hours a week. Yes, in the beginning it can seem quite daunting and scary, starting a business going down a new path, but it’s actually far easier. Surely, it’s far easier than sitting on the train, commuting into London three hours a day and moaning about it. So what do people moan about it externally, but internally they don’t move. Well, look, there’s two things to look at there. First of all, you’re absolutely right, if every single person in the economy was an entrepreneur, would be screwed. However, I’m a big believer. Look, we’re both business owners, and we’re blessed to have great teams around us. I think as entrepreneurs, there are people out there who would love to. Be intrapreneurs? Yeah, they’d love to work entrepreneurially inside someone else’s business. Great with structure. Those are the kind of people you want because they’re happy with a job, but they treat the business like it’s theirs. Those are the kind of people that we want to find. But the difference between you and them is you’re wanting to take a bit more risk, and that’s all it is.
It’s just the risk to reward ratio. So they might get a great salary working for you, but they’ll never get what you get, because you’ve gone the extra mile, and that’s risk to reward and that’s how it is. But we live in this world where people want to spend one pound and make a million, right? And it’s this mad mentality they don’t understand risk to reward ratio. So for us, it’s about going right? How do we how do we actually help people who genuinely want to be helped. And also, how do we help people who actually, this isn’t for you, mate, yeah. Do you see what I mean? Because, look, we’ve run, God knows how many of it. We’ve run, been on stage, 1000s of events, 1000s. Why aren’t they all successful? Yeah, why aren’t they all successful? It’s because, to answer your question, what? What is it that stops them from moving forwards is there’s no deep desire to want to change. You’ve got obsessed over that. You’ve got, you’ve literally got, I actually hate my life. My life is shit. I don’t like the kind of money I make, I don’t like the relationship I’m in, I don’t like the job I’m in, I don’t like the car I’m driving. And nobody sits there and gets pissed off to the point where they go like shit, I’m actually, I’m a loser. I’m not being horrible people at home. I’m just being honest. Like, how many people will sit down look at themselves in the mirror and go, you’re a loser, sort your shit out and look, I’ve just come here. I told you earlier, I was at my son’s graduation. He has graduated from primary school. It wasn’t a thing when I was at primary one thing we just had my daughters last week. She had gown, she had the hat. There was a whole thing going on. It was like, oh my goodness, and it’s lovely, and it is amazing. But here’s the truth. I genuinely feel sometimes the school system, like when we were at school, if you weren’t good at something, you’d know about it. Yeah. Nowadays Everyone’s a winner. Everyone’s in the middle. Everyone’s getting the gold.
Congratulations. You came last. It’s taking part that counts. Yes, there’s truth in that. Yeah, but how do you get better if you celebrate mediocrity? Now, I know this might be controversial. There’s going to be comments in the chat box and all that kind of stuff, and people are going to be looking for me, Liam, at your next event wanting to shoot me. But I’m just being honest. I’m not I’m not saying beat yourself up. What I’m trying to say is, are you doing your very best? And the most people are, and that’s that’s but nobody wants to speak the truth. Nobody wants to look at themselves in the mirror and go, You know what? Whenever I point one finger at someone, it’s three fingers pointing back at myself. One of my mentors told me that years ago, and it stuck with me, because it’s true. How easy is it to blame you? They’ll blame me, and that’s thing. One of the good thing about having mentors and investing in mentorship is your mentor, if they’re a good mentor, will tell you and call you out on your bullshit. Yeah, you know, you mentored me many years ago. We’ve done some great stuff together, and you know, you called me out on my bullshit, and that’s the way it was. You weren’t there to make me feel good. You were there to show me a new way of doing things and to get me to wake up to my bullshit thinking and to do different things.
Yeah. And here’s the thing, Dolly, if you were closed minded, you would have taken it as an insult. You would have thought Justin’s an asshole, and you would have you would have, you would have blamed me and never taken responsibility. But I remember us going through this stuff, and it’s only because I love you. I was being honest with you, and you took it on the chin, and I was brutal, Yeah, but look, look what happened after that. You took ownership, you took responsibility. You go, you know, what the hell was I doing? You made it better, and you obsessed over it. That’s the difference? Yeah, I think you’re right, obsessed, obsessed with success. Yeah, obsessive and having that drive and that vision, that big, why? Like, it’s almost, I don’t know about you, but it’s like, this is a non negotiable task, like being a loser is not. And I’ve been a loser, right? And I’ve had losing times, but I’ve looked in the mirror and I’ve said you are a like, you’ve got to sort your stuff out. Yeah, Liam, you’re letting your family down. You’re letting your kids down. You’re letting people down. You’re worth more than this, and it’s about taking accountability.
People don’t want to take accountability. Do they they blame. It’s easy they blame. It’s easy to blame. It’s much, much more easier to blame than to do something about it. It’s like, you know, seeing as we want a topic of blaming, let’s just get into politics a little bit. We’ve just gone through the election times here in the UK, and whether you’re pro whatever party, I don’t care. What I’m trying to say is, is that we’ve had labor takeover, and Labor’s policies are very much around. How can we spread equality? How can we make it equal? How can we make wealth equal? How can we stop the wealth divide? How can we take from the rich? How can we tax them more and give to the hard working person this and that? Hang on a minute. What do you mean give to the hard working person you and I have probably got. More work ethic in our little finger than most of these people out there, but they want equality. And we spoke about this earlier because I’ve put a post out about this recently. People are sitting down going, Yeah, let’s tax the rich people. Tax the millionaires. Get more money off them. Blah, blah. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s some people out there who’ve made money in some not cool ways and have dodged things, and I think labor go and get them right. But people like you and me, who’ve come from nowhere, and obviously your viewers will know your story and my story is very similar.
We’ve come from nothing, worked our way, made sacrifices, lost, lost people, lost on friendships, lost on experiences. We’ve lost on with that, even till today, like with nighttimes, we’re working still, we’re grafting, we’re getting up early, we’re doing all this kind of stuff. Wherever it might be. You’re sitting on your backside at home, working your nine to five, no disrespect, not doing anything else with your life outside of that, binging on Netflix, waiting for the weekend to come so you can go and go and get drunk down the pub, do it. And you’re screaming, yeah, let’s get let’s make money equal. You’re not my equal. Let’s just make that very, very clear. You’re not my equal, you’re not your equal, you are not our equal. So this is not about them against us. It’s just about, if we put it together, the facts, what have you actually done? And that’s why people just don’t have that obsession over going and getting something. But everybody wants to be at the top of the mountain. No one wants to bloody climb it. That’s just the world we live in. So it’s awful. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blame society, blame the government, blame covid, blame interest rate, blame the banks. Like the reality is, there’s only you to ever blame, and you got to take full responsibility for for where you are now and where you want to go, know what to do. And the reality is, if someone really wants to be successful like they’ve got to that point, Jess said, and they’re sick and tired, and they’ve said, I’m a loser in the mirror, and they’ve woken up to this fact, can they go and be successful? What some of the things that people can be doing in this, in this modern day and age, with all the resource we have and all the technology and a or, you know, what would you say to someone tuning in to now that that has reached that crossroads? Yeah, and they do want to be in the 1% Yeah, but perhaps they’ve got some struggles right now. As a great mentor, what would be your words of inspiration? What can people do?
Thank you. Great question. First of all, like you said, once you’ve done that little process of looking at yourself in the mirror, calling yourself a loser, or whatever is you want to call yourself, I would, I would write down every single thing that pisses you off about your current life. Don’t forget about what you’re going to do and how you’re going to make money and you want to change your life. Forget it. People move more because of pain, not pleasure. So what is it that you’re absolutely not happy with anymore? What are you no longer willing to tolerate? So you’re no longer willing to tolerate the kind of money that’s in your bank account right now. Are you no longer willing to tolerate the way people talk to you? Are you no longer willing to tolerate the relationship? What are you no longer willing to tolerate and about yourself? What you’re no longer willing to tolerate? I’m no longer willing to tolerate the fact that I procrastinate all the time. I’m no longer willing to tolerate that I blame all the time. Yeah? Or I just sit on my ass and I don’t. You’ve got to get really pissed off with your situation and go, right. I don’t want to be like this anymore. So what do I want to be like instead? Now you’re going to go, right, I want to be like this. I want to be like that. I want to be like that. Great. Now we can worry about the how, yeah, because at the end of the day, if you don’t know what it is you’re moving away from, then you would always settle for less. Because now you know, every time you slip up, every time you don’t show up, every time you don’t do the things you’re meant to do, you know, go back to being that loser you just described, yeah, and that should hurt and that should piss you off. And you want to go a step further, this is what I do. I’m not recommending everyone else does it, but who are you letting down by being a loser right now? Now? Again, for sensitive people watching this, forgive me if the word loser triggers you, but I don’t give a shit. So the point is, I’m trying to say is that, who are you letting down? And for me, it’s my kids. Man, yeah, you know what? That’s really struck a chord, because that’s what happened to me.
You know, 1011, years ago now, I lost my business, and I somehow was trying to look to blame, how it was the government changing the goalpost and this set and the other and I got but the reality is, at that time, I was letting my kids down, yeah, yeah. And I didn’t want to let him down anywhere, and it hurt, and it was hard to look him in the eye, and they’ve got these little and they’re looking at their dad, and I’m responsible, mad, but, but this is but this is the thing, if there’s any parents listening, and look, I can only vouch for dads, because I’m a dad, okay, moms as well. I’m sure you have your own things, but as a dad, I’m very old school. I’m very traditional. You’re the same. We’re providers. We want to provide, right? You, knowing that you let your kids down, gave you a kick up the ass and said, sort your life out right, even till today, like you would do everything you can to make sure that your family goes with and not without. And what baffles me is just, just take a look at society. Can I. Speak for the UK, because I’m only I’m based in the UK like, like you are. Look at society. How many people out there right now, like you said, moan. Don’t make enough money. My kids don’t have nice clothes. I can’t afford to get that uniform for my kids. I can’t afford to take them on holiday. I can’t afford to do this. Can’t afford to do that. The same person who’s moaning about all this stuff is down the pub on a Friday. How can you even put a pipe to your lips knowing that that money could actually go towards something better for you, spending 15 pounds on 20 cigarettes or they’re rambling on National Lottery. What goes through your freaking head? Like, what? What even goes through your head?
You will happily spend 1520 quid on a bag of packet of cigarettes or whatever it is, but you can’t buy your kids a pair of shoes, and you want to moan about it. That’s not been a man. That’s just me being honest. But again, it hurts. It’s easier to blame. My boss doesn’t give me a pay rise. Blah, blah, blah, blah, I’m sorry, when you clock up for five o’clock What are you doing now? What you should be doing is hanging around with someone like you. Going to learn upskill, do something different. Study, study, learn. Because to answer the second party question, what should someone actually do? Get a bloody mentor. Yeah, mentors collapse time frames. That’s all they do. Course, you can figure it out on YouTube and Google it and all that kind of stuff. It’s going to take you longer. It’s going to lose more money, and you’re not going to have anywhere to guide you. You want to learn from someone else’s mistakes. That’s what a wise person does, and that’s why people invest in invest in yourself, for example. So I’ve seen you put people through your programs and your training, and I’ve seen what’s happened to the ones who commit. I’ve also seen to the ones who don’t. You know what you see them at someone else’s course, yeah, someone else’s event just, they just become event junkies, yeah? But ones that commit do the work. So get pissed off, get a mentor. Follow it through.
Don’t get too many mentors. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Follow one that. What do they say? Focus is, follow one course until successful. That’s what it means. Yeah, don’t get shiny old syndrome and stick with one. I love what you said, though, about skill set, yeah? Because most things ever think can be learned. Actually, if you want to go fly a plane, you learn to fly a plane. Yeah, you want to drive a car. You can drive a car. If I really wanted to become a doctor, I could become a doctor because you hang around the right people. Your network, you know, dictates if you’re a loser, if you’re successful. So you need to upgrade your network and yet understand that you can be a lot more than what you already are. Yeah, what would you say, in this modern world, with entrepreneurship and business, are some of the key skill sets that people are lacking that they don’t maybe even know they need to focus on. There’s there’s two. For me, there’s two major skill sets. Everyone, everyone listening to this, needs to learn, number one, you need to learn how to communicate and articulate yourself. That is so important. And it’s not just being in business like I was asked a few months ago to go back to my old school in forest gate in East London and mentor the year 10s on career advice. Half, half of them couldn’t even look at me when they’re talking to me. They can’t even get their words out, and some of them are academically bright, they’re gonna they’ve got a good future ahead of them. And then they want to be a doctor. They want to be a lawyer. They want to do this. How are you going to perform in an interview, no matter how good your grades are, and sell yourself to the panel who’s interviewing for this job? You’re not going to be able to so you’ve got to learn how to communicate, whether that’s to run a business, whether that’s to get a promotion at work, whether that’s just to influence people and have better relationships, learn the art of communication, whether that’s one to one, one to many, the second skill that everyone needs to master is selling. Yeah, yeah. Selling. Because everything in life is a sale. You know this, you know you say all the time, everything’s a sale.
You want to get your kids to go to bed early is a pitch men. You want to go out on Friday with your mates. It’s a bitch. Everything’s a pitch, right? So, but sales people don’t like selling because it’s been given a bad name. But selling isn’t selling, it’s helping people to buy. There’s a big difference, and nobody understands that. So if you can learn these, I promise, I promise you, and look you and I have got both of these skills, yeah. And I know for a fact neither of us here would ever worry if we lost it all tomorrow, we won’t worry. No, it would come straight back and it would come back quicker. Who’s got those two skills? Yeah, yeah, I love that communicating. Obviously, relationship capital is better than financial capital, and to have great relationships, you need to be able to communicate and get people to buy into your vision and what you’re about and why someone should do business with you. And I’ve got to say, and I learned a hell of a lot of speaking skills from yourself for many, many years, so I really appreciate you for that, dude, honestly, man, it was an absolute game changer. And still today, you know, we’re helping each other all the time, absolutely, but speaking, mastering that skill set 10 years ago, and putting it high up on my values ladder every single day now, has really been the difference. Yes, made the difference, yeah, but you were committed, yeah, and that’s different. Yeah, there was enough drive there and enough pain. So I think anyone tuning into this, if you are in some sort of pain right now, you got to stop bit. And you gotta stop moaning, you gotta stop blaming and you gotta just take massive action every day, even if you don’t want to do it, even if you don’t want to do it, because there’s so many great strategies out there. You can do property, you can do business, yeah, you can become a high ticket, high ticket closer, yeah, that’s that’s a great career for people right now. You haven’t even got to be a business owner, but you can master these skill sets.
Do you want to tell us a bit about high ticket closing? I think it’s a great, great topic, actually, what, what even is a high ticket closer? And why? Because you’re talking about communicating and then selling and speaking high ticket closers need those, right? So, so, so for those of you listening who are not sure what a high ticket closer is, for me, this is a great way to make money. A high ticket closer is somebody who sells someone else’s product or service, which is high ticket. We’re talking 5000 10,000 pounds plus, or dollars, whatever it is. They take a commission on the sale that they make. They got no delivery on the back end. What a beautiful job to have. And you can do it from anywhere in the world. You don’t have to. You could. You could be at home. You could be in a different country. You could. I’ve done it myself before. You and I used to do we used to sell other people’s stuff, right? But we don’t know delivery, it’s great. And we put into perspective, if you’re selling a 20,000 pound retreat or something like that, and you get a 10% kickback on that, that’s two grand for an hour. Phone call, 45 minute phone call, who’s going to give you two grand an hour? Think about that. You do four or five of those in a month, you’re laughing, and you still got the whole amount to do more. Yeah. So high ticket closing, for me is a great skill, because if you can master how to communicate to people, build rapport, like you said, relationships over revenue, and learn how to actually sell and close. Because selling and closing are two different things, if you can master those, then it’s a great profession to have, not just for yourself, but to other people. And here’s what happens, you become a person of high value. Yeah, when you’re a person of high value, opportunities gravitate towards you. Now, if you and I right now, go right me and Liam are in the market for speaking on someone else’s stage and selling their own products and services. Do you know how people be queuing up?
We’d have hundreds of deals. People will be like, yeah, Jess Jessen and Liam’s gonna sell on my stage for me, I mean, and I know both of us could put the word out tomorrow that we’re looking for opportunities to speak, to sell or close other people’s they’re gonna these two track record freaking out like, God knows how many hundreds of millions of pounds of sales between them. Yeah, we’re on it, yeah. But we’ve become person of high value, and people don’t they talk about, look, investing in property and assets, and I get all of that. They’re external and can be taken away if you’re not careful, but you can’t take away internal assets, skills. No one can ever take away what’s in your head and what’s in your heart. But most people don’t want to invest in a skill and actually nurture it. And you know what bath was me Liam is people will go to school for wherever how many years Leave, leave. You know, secondary school at 15 years old, start college at 16, then go to university, leave university at 21 so we’re 21 years into the 2022 2324 whatever age they leave there. 24 years into their life, they finish university. They then will go to a career path, whether that’s in a bank or somewhere else, do another 10 years in that particular sector just to land their dream job. So they’ll wait 34 years to potentially land their dream job, but they won’t even give business 12 months. What kind of nonsense is that? It’s mad, isn’t it? It’s mental. It’s mental. But again, everybody wants to be at the top of the mountain no one wants to climb.
Yeah. You know, you’ve shared some incredible, hard hitting stuff there in this podcast, for sure. And you know, are we right in saying that there is a lot of opportunity out there for people, now is the time to get started. So what would be your say? Words of wisdom to anyone tuning in that that is serious, that wants to do it, yeah. What would you say to those people? Stop getting distracted. Get super focused on what it is that you actually want, and don’t stop until you get there, because it and understand it’s a marathon, it’s not a sprint, right? But the challenge is, Liam, most people don’t know what they want, yeah. They just go, oh, Liam, I want to make more money. Great. Give him a pound. Congratulations. You’ve achieved your outcome. There’s no they’re not specific. What do you mean? And also, if you want to make more money, if you’re listening to this, I’m a big believer in money has no meaning apart from the one you attach to it. What? What would 10 grand a month do for you? Would that? And by the way, those of you listening going 10 grand a month, yes, it’s bloody easy to make 10 grand a month follow this guy, right? What I’m trying to say is, is, what would 10 grand a month do for you retire your wife. And I had a client like this, by the way, I had a client like this last year. He said he’s sick and tired of his wife having to work all the time. She’s not well, blah, blah, blah, and he’s a consultant. I said, All right, what would you need to do, mate, to retire your wife? He said, I need, I just need three more clients. I said, right, you got between now and the next three months when I see you next, to get three clients and retire your wife. If you don’t, I’m kicking you out. The Mastermind. Do you know what he did live he retired his wife?
Wow, that’s awesome, because he had purpose. Purpose. He attached it to some. Create an outcome, right? The money had meaning. Yeah, the money had meaning before it was just transactional. I get a new client, get a new client this time. If I get three clients, my wife doesn’t have to work ever again. Wow. What a driver. Yeah, nice. What a driver. So attach meaning to the money you want to make. Create a vision. And are you guys do some incredible retreats where you work on people’s visions and stuff. Oh my gosh. But yeah, don’t spend time on a vision, yeah, so important. When you when you have a vision, you then decide what you say yes and no to because unless it takes you to your vision, you won’t do it. And the sad reality is, is most people live in a world where they’re climbing up ladders only to realize that they get to the wrong roof. And this is not where I meant to be. My roof’s over there because My vision’s over there. But unless you have a vision, you’re just going to be that person who says yes to everything. I think it was Jim Rohn that said, when they asked him, What made you so successful, and he said, For every 100 opportunities that came my way, I said no to 99 of them. And most people aren’t good at saying no. They just want to say yes to everything, the shiny object syndrome. Why? Because you’re desperate. And when you’re desperate, this is when you buy all the courses and buy all the programs, and you go to that mentor, this mentor, and this mentor and that mentor, and before you know, you’re in debt and you’re lost and you’re worse. So get clear on your vision. What is it that you actually want? How much do you actually want to make short term, mid term, long term? Give that money a purpose, give it a reason, and find a driver inside of you why you’re so pissed off that you’re a loser, or whatever it is that we said you earlier on and and push yourself and don’t stop, and understand it’s a marathon. It’s not a sprint, and you will always, always win if you never quit. You know what that’s been? Absolutely incredible. Jess, and you know, last time you was on the show, you. Give some incredible tips. Thank you. Even better this time, for sure, just as good. So what’s going on for Justin right now? Just give us a bit of an update. Yeah, where you’re at, what you’re doing, where can people hook you up? You do incredible things for your clients. You’ve really helped me in across many, many years. So yeah, give us a bit of an overview. Cool. I’m starting a new Bootcamp for losers. No, not doing that. It’s interesting, because I we’ve been in the same industry for a while, and, you know, I made a big, big decision about 18 months ago now, to actually retire from running workshops and stuff. And you thought I was bonkers. What are you doing? Just unbelievable. Yeah. But again, it’s about new level, new devil, and I had to purposely take a step back to move forwards. And I’m not reaching my full potential by just running workshops, just here in the UK and doing little things. So there’s a whole global market out there, and I genuinely believe call it big headed, people need to hear Jess, yeah, why not? And, and I think I genuinely feel that’s my purpose. My mission is to get my voice out there more. I can’t do it if I’m constantly tied to running three day workshops in the UK and stuff and things like that. So what I’ve done is I’ve taken all of my training programs, my public speaking training, my sales training, my business training, all my all my courses and programs, and I put them all online for people to study at home at their own leisure.
That for me, allows me to take my intellectual property, get it out in my head and still monetize it, because it’s an asset, right? But then what’s the next play? The next play is, I’m going heavy on a PR now, you know, I’m going to get out there a bit more do, more keynote gigs, bigger speeches, bigger talks, all that kind of stuff, which is really, really cool. But one thing that I’m really, really passionate about, that I’m working on at the moment is, rather than teaching people how to do. We’re doing it for them, right? Great. So I’ve got my sales and marketing agency at my software agency, where I help people to build sales presentations, create sales pages, drive traffic to them, and make some of that internet money. So So if anyone wants to make some internet, can they hook you up, dude, let me know. Look, just first, I’m a big believer in I need to earn the right to work with you. And I think you also need to get to know me a bit more as well. So obviously, go to my website, www.jessenjames.com or just follow me on Instagram at Jess and James underscore official and Jess and James official and all other platforms, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, the whole lot, and let me know if you heard from me at the dealmaker podcast. Let me know. Tag me. Do something, and I’ll make sure I’ll do my best to follow you and tag you back. Awesome. Man, love you, dude, love you too, man, thanks for coming in absolute pleasure. It’s been a fantastic 10 years. We’ve got many more, many more, many, many, many more to go. And absolutely brilliant. You.
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