What is Rent to Rent?

Have you been thinking of rent to rent? In today’s blog post, I will be sharing all you need to know about rent to rent.
What is Rent to Rent?
Rent to Rent is an agreement between a landlord and a company, local authority or individual where the property is rented out to a tenant on a single let basis. The landlord is given a rental income for an agreed term.
Is it risky to start rent to rent?
There are risks associated with any property investment strategy, however, we would advise you to conduct thorough research before starting any property investment strategy.
Is rent to rent legal?
Yes, it is perfectly legal to do rent to rent in the UK. Provided that the agreement is disclosed within the contract.
How does rent to rent work?
- Sign a lease agreement for a property
- Make a guaranteed payment to the landlord or rental agent
- Improve the property’s quality before renting it out to tenants at a higher rent
When getting started with rent to rent it is important to ensure that you are searching for properties that can increase in value, as well as being in good locations.
To learn more about rent to rent, click here.
Before you go …
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