Meet Liam J Ryan, Property Entrepreneur Who Built An 8-Figure Business

The man behind the business: 

My name is Liam J Ryan, a Forbes-featured property business entrepreneur, best-selling author, mentor, host, and co-founder of Assets For Life.

I started early at the ripe old age of 6 when I’d charge £2 to do Michael Jackson dancing! This progressed to washing cars, selling sweets at school, a paper-round, working in a greengrocers. Then I started on telesales followed by door-to-door canvassing for Zenith windows. And all that before I was 15 years old! 

I loved to hear “Yes” from customers, and a “no” would simply drive me to the next opportunity.

I started to make real money in my 20s by building a sales and marketing business, and this allowed me to travel the world. And Party! 

I returned to England and built a great business providing renewable energy solutions and all looked rosy. That was until the fundamental flaw in my business was exposed when the Government moved the goalposts by removing subsidies and support. So that was the end of that! But, it was also the beginning of a massive change in my life. 

It was at this time that I met Jay Munoz, a Chartered Civil Engineer who spoke about his work with such passion that we started to form an idea together. That idea turned into Assets For Life. And the rest, as they say, is history. 

What to expect from this platform:

I’m sure we can all appreciate the significance of building a community of like-minded people in successful entrepreneurship. I created this platform with this thought in mind. The goal is to help you connect, learn, grow and get the support you need to prosper in business, all in one place.

I believe that you are your biggest asset and encourage you to take advantage of my podcast, booksproperty, business and wealth trainingmentorship and other key resources to help you thrive in business.

Connect with Liam

To stay up to date with the latest news, insights, high-impact strategies, and property events, be sure to follow me on social media!

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